I actually don’t have anything against the concept of voting third party. But only if one of those parties will put up somebody that isn’t fucking crazy. If the libertarians put up someone like Jo Jorgenson again, why would anyone vote for them?
I love so much about Utah, and would highly recommend visiting, but will never live there again. The church isn’t that influential within salt lake City, but go outside and you’re just hoping for LDS instead of FLDS people. What really made me leave wasn’t the low abv beer or the mormans. The environmental inversion is truly hell
There are a few nuggets that are still only obvious when you actually think about it. Like don’t fight with a hill behind you because you might need to retreat, do fight with a forest behind you for the same reason.
Abandon all hope, sponges who enter here
How can you simply learn about a fact that doesn’t effect your life and just move on!? Get angry, be horrified, buy a weirdly long picket sign and go to every pride parade to express your discomfort and let it putrefy into a deeper bigotry
If you call it an affogato you can even pretend you have your life together!
They’re for the clit mouse. The bottom of the touchpad still has a physical click option
That’s why psychologists have such repressed feelings toward him
That always goes well, I’ll make the Kickstarter!
I’m an American late millennial, I definitely remember this. I’m guessing it’s 85-95 millennials.
I like it in light powder, in sticky snow, that’s a hard pass.
You’re missing the only one that actually works for me. Get up at roughly the same time every morning. I won’t do it, but I should.
A glass of water is an absurd notion. If you tried to make glass out of water you would just evaporate the water. It would never solidify into glass.
I’m not a socialist by any means (well, I have been called one by republicans…) but I’ve always hated this argument. The USSR and China are the only two I’m aware of that weren’t massively screwed over in their infancy by the US, and/or (usually and) manipulated by the USSR.
I think you’re right in what you’re saying but not what I think you’re implying. The solution to one problem is mental health regulations, the solution to the other is improper use regulations. Which are different, but fall under the same umbrella.
Either way, taking about cars is exactly where I’d take the comparison because it’s the only other commonly owned (highly effective) weapon in the us. We require a license to use one and liability insurance to own one, then take that license away if you show that you can’t use it properly. That’s exactly what if like to see happen to guns.
This is gonna get nasty before it gets better