OP, your “news” article sucks. It’s just clickbait
Your insulin production is just weak. Try harder
I hold my phone however I want, and none of you will stop me except show silent disgust
The initial rocket League logo is not even up there. Probably because this meme is so fucking old that part of the joke has been cropped out
Noita is not shit. It’s an awesome game, you guys are just jealous because I beat the tutorial boss before you
Yeah that lady is tripping hard. Food can’t talk
Stupid reposts
That just ruins the fun
So then go to normal cashier checkout. They haven’t been abolished at my grocery stores
What? The theater was not filled with kids. There were adults sitting around Lauren, not just kids only. Can you imagine how weird that would be if Lauren and her boytoy were the only adults in that theater. I am not saying there were no kids when it happened, but it definitely was not filled with kids. That is stupid
Nothing, I don’t need music cluttering up my headspace while I’m worrying about rescuing my wife
I don’t get it, didn’t Europe produce like 100% wind power at one point this past week?
The “meme” is not exclusive to me. What made you have that idea?
Ooo fun, a printer that never goes out of sleep mode… Nah fuck that brand, it shouldn’t have taken an hour for my brother laser printer to start up. Soo stupid man. Whenever I need something printed I just put it on a USB stick and get it printed at my local library. It’s faster anyways, and I don’t have to deal with my stupid hibernating brothers printer