It’s not a concern as long as they don’t spread from the aisles into Poland
Nah I didn’t make them I just started posting them
Yes!! My influence has finally coming full circle
You never know if you never go
Same, at times it was spitting hard facts hence why Reddit hated it
Reddit is whatever gives them karma
Mine was literally a piece of stainless Steel my mate turned into a ring. Even made me spares, love them.
Crazy how businesses pull this shit. Yet where I work they won’t let us work overtime cause they don’t want to pay us. But then get shitty when the work is not done …
Not a lot of public transport is electric or hydrogen powered so they all use old desal engines. I get his point but at the same time if more people used buses they would offset people driving
Not possible where I live, not enough public transport, not enough bike lanes and too far to travel Daily
You lot must be fun at parties
This is the first Stroganoff meme to make me laugh 😂😂
From a health prospective skipping breakfast is the worst idea ever.
I don’t get the significance of that flag, but I see it everywhere. Even in Australia ffs
I’ll do it as long as I can post more Possum memes