Unless you’re using particularly old switches or routers it doesn’t matter if you’re using straight or crossover anymore.
Unless you’re using particularly old switches or routers it doesn’t matter if you’re using straight or crossover anymore.
He’s not elected. He couldn’t give a f about conflict of interest.
I live in a rural area and speak to lots of farmers. Chatting to one of my neighbours in the pub about it and they’re righteously angry about it.
Drill down into their assets though and they have: modest sheep flock and attendant land, equipment etc, large family home, profitable machining and engineering business, separate from the farm, 4 other properties that they let their children live in rent free or rent out to other tenants.
I do think that the government is using a hammer to tighten a screw, but my sympathy ends for farmers when they’re hoarding assets to that degree and that isn’t even particularly large when I compare it to some of the families I work for. One I can name employs around 200 people in a major dairy operation with dozens of old family farms consolidated into the ownership of 3 siblings.
Land and farm assets like animals, equipment etc should be exempt so that they’re not just bought up by corporations. The rest should be subject to the same level of taxation as the rest of the country has to pay.
Honey I Shrunk The Kids, So We Can All Fit In The Closet Together
Plus, like, you know, it’s a TV drama and not real life.
Except for that brief period where you turned up 2 years late to the party and proceeded to take all of the credit. Yes.
Hitler was also whacked out of his mind on methamphetamine most of the time, just like this jackass
Would be a pretty interesting inversion of the escape room trope. Group of people get sent into cubicles and instead of solving puzzles have to fill in tps reports and make sales projection presentations to each other to be let out
Er, the yanks haven’t invaded Greenland yet…
Ah yes, the old enemy of the left: the left.
You literally just engaged in what the OP was talking about, and here am I joining in as well.
The reboot of Succession in 20 years is going to be wild.
No pig ever chocked someone to death in the street for the crime of being born poor and black.
That’s good. That’s like a 40-degree day. Ain’t nobody got nothing to say about a 40-degree day. Fifty. Bring a smile to your face. Sixty, shit, niggas is damn near barbecuing on that motherfucker. Go down to 20, niggas get their bitch on. Get their blood complaining. But forty? Nobody give a fuck about 40. Nobody remember 40, and y’all niggas is giving me way too many 40-degree days! What the fuck?
As a Brit: what the fuck are those and why are they calling themselves hot cross buns?