Dunno why someone would set some saddles on fire, but did anyone else notice, that in the alternate version everything’s slightly different… …but the moaner?
Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
Dunno why someone would set some saddles on fire, but did anyone else notice, that in the alternate version everything’s slightly different… …but the moaner?
You can’t take our emoticons from our dead hands! ((-(-_(-_-(-_-)-_-)_-)-))
Using Edge daily. I like it, it’s comfy, it doesn’t hog all resources like chrome.
I admit I had to learn more about USSR during our convo. And however much I hate admitting this, it would me insincere of me to not admit USSR had more sensible politics internally than I thought when it comes to food. They were, however, still insanely brutal and sadistic regime while dealing with anything comparable to opposition to their goals. So yeah, thanks for broadening my horizons, but please never state USSR was in any way or form good guys. They massacred, murdered, invigilated and abused, not unlike Nazis, at least in Poland.
Checked with my friend and checked few other sources on this. Friend, who studied history, knew about these - other articles also mention that such tries were held, and the Nazi hate towards communists is known to me, however the reason why it failed is different for each point of reference I have so I am unsure what to make out of it. Still, learned something new. Thanks.
Western Powers did, in fact, take offense. But it was too little, and Poland fell quicker than anticipated. Also, Polish goverment didn’t collapse so wtf are you talking about - it went into hiding but was still very much active. And it’s kinda hard not to see Soviets as aggressors when they also attacked and massacred Polish side and were comfy enough to, after “freeing” land on their way to Warsaw, just sit outside it and wait for Nazis to do their cleanses. -.-
Feeding those who need it? That’s why people died of hunger under USSR? Yeah, in Russia they took care about theirs. Every country other than Russia was, however, at best ignored, at worst plundered. And yeah, there were stores - famously empty stores. I heard about them from my family members, about the lines, waiting whole day, about exchanging goods for favors among people. Also, I am not from US and trust me, I am not seeing them as paragon of virtue either.
People were incentivised to basically snitch on each other for any and all hints of not following what the “glorious” USSR wanted. So it was common that people used them to go higher in standing or get what they wanted. Especially folk who liked the newfound power that USSR granted them over their neighbours.
I know they hated each other and never said otherwise. But they cooperated to fuck everyone else. Only after Nazis attacked USSR, did USSR move against Nazis.
What in the everlasting embrace of god. Soviets, who - I’ll admit - simply chose to work people to death painted as the good guys? The same soviets that starved, beaten and let people freeze to death? The same that put people in cattle wagons and rode them out to syberia in nothing more than clothes they had on their backs?
Lemmy’s Rookgaard. After 30 comments, you’re forced to register somewhere else.
Thank you! ^^
I mean, shut up. Lemmy is great, thanks to it I spend even less time on social media because I get depressed if I overdo Lemmy.
We returned to greek origin. Wanna talk with randoms? Go to the forum…
I understand your point but every single person that said that to me was unable to form their message neatly and efficiently.
No hello. No asking if it’s okay to ask. Write concisely, state all your questions in first message, drop the masquarade of niceness. People who use that get similiar response - and without the awkward call-like “gimmie a sec, need to check” or worse “let me circle back to it later”. As soon as I get the info, you have it. In the meanwhile, you can focus on something else.
Not saying this applies to you though - simply yoir comment caused a flood of bad memories of call-centric people being unable to use messages, mostly due to laziness.
Yeah! Why didn’t I hear bout it? Need to watch it.
In my case, fill all four with the first frame. Not an alcoholic, wasn’t party person even once in my life and sure as fuck I am not missing my yearly allowance to nuke the ever loving shit outta the sky. ^^
Nah, they were where I live. Now they are closed due to sanitary concerns or something. In old, post soviet building I lived they removed chutes and turned bottom level (where the big trash containers were) into expanded lift, so disabled people could ride all the way to ground level.
The absolute best part is…it’s USA. The moment your military gets actually slight spook, of the you know, short gasp variety…you know it because your military complex temporarily forgets limits of today’s technology and produces some sci-fi shit. And yet ya all are still able to be made to be scared of… looks into his book Mexico and…Iran…
I will, no problem. Luddites have no place today, thank you.
Heck, cashiers are still wprking where I live. One of them just gets assigned to 6 or 8 self checkouts instead of normal register.
My condolences. Seems to be less so night shifts and more so Walmart itself then. I know people who aren’t of the night-time is wake-time type are immensely drained by night shifts…never imagined it could be this bad.
Bullshit, it will get axed by a fanatical zewlot at first sign of denying god xD