The $500,000 house will be $250,000 but the 6% interest rate will be 24% and the 10% deposit will be 25%.
The $500,000 house will be $250,000 but the 6% interest rate will be 24% and the 10% deposit will be 25%.
Nah then you get to the fork in the road meme where its either depression or “working out”
Most of my gym buddies are either people who were fit their entire lives and this is just their happy place or people who are there because they need to have an addiction and this one doesnt kill them slowly.
As a cisgender male bodybuilder I have questions…
The “fall” is comparable not the magnitude of what they did, mostly because Cosbys shit mostly came out 20 years after he stopped being culturally relevant.
Oh very much so, but when someone with his means and access to treatment options keeps going off the deep end and ranting about Jews and how some black people must have wanted slavery. It reduces my sympathy.
Cosbys fall came so long after he left the spotlight, for younger people the connection isnt there.
Kanye is definitely up there. Because I hate so much about what Kanye has turned into… his music is just so, so fucking good. For all his personality faults (Or diagnoses… I dont think we will ever know for certain) the man is a musical genius.
“Whatever you say (Insert first obvious thing you notice about their appearance)”
Dude is going to be wondering for weeks whats wrong with his eyebrows. Nothing, absolutely nothing. But you saw his eyebrows…
Thats why I’m gradually figuring that I actually have a measure of respect for full blown skinheads… like Aryan Nation motherfuckers. Like I hate them, dont get me wrong but I respect that they wear their beliefs openly, I believe that they believe.
I fucking hate people who are just as evil but hide behind coded behavior and manipulation. They want the same things but are too fucking gutless to get their hands dirty. Atleast a dude with WP ink isnt trying to play the victim.
Oh I know, for some people it isnt a choice. Thats why I prefaced it with “Some people I know.” because I know their circumstances.
One specific coworker in particular. If you’re stressing about your car payment, you dont have money for doordash. GO PICK IT UP YOU LAZY BASTARD THATS WHAT THE CAR IS FOR!
People just dont know how to cook. Its an unpopular take these days but with the cost of living I cant help but look at how some of the people I know eat and think “Y’all could use some fucking austerity”. Everything is pre-made, pre-prepped, and sometimes pre-cooked.
Forget simple and nutritious. I can make you the filthiest nastiest food coma inducing double bacon cheeseburger in about the time it takes most people to make it to and through the drivethrough, and probably for less than you would spend on fuel. The less said about how much better my fried chicken is the better.
You call it what it was, a Nazi salute.
Because if he cries defamation and wants to sue, stand there in court and give the judge the finger. The judge shoukd either accept that hand gestures have commonly accepted meanings or endure the whole case while you give everyone the finger. Probably make a few wanking motions with your hand for good measure…
Thats why Id take the steps.
Get up, walk the dog $500, go to work on my feet all day $1000,finish work 10k run $2500.
Give me 1 year and Ill be debt free, 2 years and I’m independently wealthy… and in great shape.
“Work just hard enough that your family dont chuck the lazy bastard in a cardboard box in an unmarked hole.”
My dad (who I do love BUT) has been a lazy self absorbed dropkick his entire life. When my grandmother died and left him some cash we had a very frank discussion “I never expected you to die with a cent to your name so do what you want with most of the money, but go buy a prepaid funeral and dont stick me with a bill when you go!”
Its not that I’m comparing myself to “Perfect” truth is Ive lost 35kg in 2 years, I’m super happy with my progress but I know why I dont look the way I’d like. Im a middle aged man, I dont recover like a 20yo, I have less HGH and test than a 20yo I dont get enough sleep, I have a demanding job and kids… Theres only so many hours in the day, I can only recover so fast, I can only diet and train so hard. For a while it really began to mess with my head.
I’m just saying that people can take exercise and improving themselves to an unhealthy place too. “Treat yoself” isnt a lifestyle, its wallowing in easy dopamine, but a life of depriving yourself of everything that makes you happy and constantly hammering yourself physically is just not sustainable and it can take you places mentally that are just as unhealthy.
I have sympathy for his loved ones to some degree, in the same way I have sympathy for the family of people who commit horrible crimes and then have to see their family member taken away and locked up for life.
Im sure he had redeeming qualities to them, but to society he was not a net positive.
Nah, I’m on top of it. I had a real struggle putting the brakes on my last cut. I dropped a kilo(2lbs) a week for 12 weeks and when it came to an end I was like “Number must keep dropping! Number cant go back up!” and it took a few weeks for me to calm down and get back to normal eating. Doesnt help that I have addict wiring in my brain.
I had a lot of empathy for teenage girls for a few weeks, I was SO CLOSE to having visible abs but I was hitting burnout hard and needed to go back to maintenance for a bit.
Yep. Everyone hoping for a crash or collapse has a very narrow view on the situation. It should be easier to profit by adding property onto the market and harder to profit off holding onto them.