Yeah actually I quite like the peel in a cocktail or orange chicken. I was just joking around.
Yeah actually I quite like the peel in a cocktail or orange chicken. I was just joking around.
Both of you should just man up and eat the seeds and peel too.
Aw that’s not accurate. I totally played soccer in high school.
Reads question again
Ohh… do I play sports, present tense, like here in 2025?
Fuck, ok, 100% accuracy confirmed.
This is a large gathering. I think they’ll want to keep the vests on, equip helmets, and hand out the diplomas behind ballistic glass.
Wacka wacka doodoo yeah!
And apparently absorbed the power of them all
TIL I identify as a towel
Wow that is some real AI slop.
Let me file that under D… for Donut.
Ooh, do German next!
Thanks 😄 I’ve watched a good amount of Clint’s Reptiles and really just wanted to make a joke, but maybe I’ll have to check out those others now.
I would like to subscribe to Snake Facts, thanks
You know it’s a good award when someone busts out a heptagram.
It is estimated that there are well over 400 different types or varieties of dry beans grown throughout the world.
Bah, I’m not going to either of those dumps. But thanks for the info!
What’s the name of this webcomic?
You could say the project was a success because… she was never gonna give it up.
Mine right now (sorted by recent):
So when it’s not ranty freakouts it’s 85% ads.
Haha…ha… ha
(Me, over 40 in the same sitch)