Dark Harvest
That episode was traumatizing and it was great
Dark Harvest
That episode was traumatizing and it was great
Really it’s just the gloves
And my Bob omb
I mean, you’re not wrong, but the French in this country have made being a pain in the English-speaking population’s ass their entire raison d’être since like 1760. They’ve been fighting a resistance war for like 264 years which is why I consider it a good roadtrip if I can get from Cornwall to Edmundston without having to stop. Beautiful province but a pain in the dick to even exist in if you’re an Anglo.
More French speakers than Quebec, New Brunswick, and a smattering here & there in other provinces? The only other thing the French in this country have is poutine. The least we can do is give them this.
Canada is home to the largest French speaking population in the world that has never surrendered to Germany.
I’m laughing because if I don’t I’ll cry
S08E10 The Springfield Files.
Out of a cannon. Into the sun.
You’re not but it sure seems like OP is.
They’re yellow because Matt Groening wanted people to think there was something wrong with their television sets.
This is exactly why I prefer ThinkPads