My theory is they don’t regularly have actual Mexican food or the rest of their diet is so devoid of seasoning that they can’t handle spices.
My theory is they don’t regularly have actual Mexican food or the rest of their diet is so devoid of seasoning that they can’t handle spices.
That is not German humor, that is German anger.
Nobody questions what is in the Stanley until you start slurring your morning huddle.
Hence the leaving of “stereotypical black cultural gifts”. You can imagine what white people would leave as a gift for a black person, that they only understand from popular culture.
I’m looking for a barely an inconvenience vibe.
Any way I can skip the work part and move up that timeline?
It would only be racist if it was a white guy leaving watermelon gifts on black porches.
If it were a black guy leaving watermelons on black porches, Afro-American solstice fruit Santa. It would become racist again if white people tried to participate by leaving stereotypical black cultural gift offerings akin to milk and cookies for Santa.
With ring cameras, you could become a legend.
Community note: It was an emu, but Mark is working hard to be able to sub an ostrich.
So far, the reviewers have been glowing about drinking it.
The only right answer.
I guess “joust her right then and there” also would be acceptable.
Not that I want to help serial killers, but…
Statistically the best victims are black because their murders have the lowest solve rates(59% black vs 87% for whites). Chicago is even worse with 21.7% solve percentage in black neighborhoods compared to 45.6% in white neighborhoods.
So targeting black people in black neighborhoods in Chicago gives you better odds, which can be further increased if you target homeless people or sex workers and kill through means that can be dismissed as accidental like overdose.
I was talking about trying to get Pad Thai at Soi Pradu, but having some street meat could be fun too I guess.
Alright who wants to do a Lemmy field trip to Thailand? We should see Moo Deng before Bangkok, because of the implications.
It is a rounding and reduction of genetic markers.
21/64 Germanic markers equals 1/3 German in speech because everybody hates the twenty-one sixty-fourths German guy.
Somewhat relevant to your second point, I don’t like it when they speak English and it doesn’t make sense.
Breaking Bad bothered me so much with how often the native Spanish speakers were talking in English, while in Mexico, with other native Spanish speakers. It isn’t like they didn’t allow Spanish in the show, there was a fair amount, they just arbitrarily decided that the scenes where it made the most sense to speak Spanish that English was the right language.
I get the impression Ben and Jerry’s does actually care bout progressive issues, but they are that rare exception.
Remove the /s, you are right and the commenter was ignorant of traditional American etiquette.
It is a whistle(like a referee uses to make a sound) a woman uses if she feels or knows she is going to be harmed in some way so as to call attention to her and hopefully get help with her situation.
Basically, the meme is telling women to shoot their attackers.