Naw homie, this had nothing to do with the USA. This is just some good Ol’ Mossad hijinks.
Sounds like a lot more opportunities to put some spicy batteries in Mid East bound electronic shipments.
You do realize those pagers were made in Taiwan right?
Some people like electric cars, some people like rice burners, some like euro engineering while others want a good old fashioned American V8. It’s all relative.
Wasn’t Bulgaria, but cool cars and trucks are one of the universal things that make most men instant bros even when they are from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
Lol, you are full of shit. I’ve never seen otherwise stoic European men light up with smiles and point like kids, than when an old 70s C3 Corvette let its v8 sing and went ripping through one of the streets in an Eastern European capital.
Any individual who make blanket comments about whole sections of society will loose my respect pretty quickly.
Substitute women, blacks, Asians, Latinos, the Dutch, and just about every other subsection for the word “male” in that statement and this thread would be having a completely different conversation.
The Japanese are pretty good at horseback archery. It would be close.
“Looks at SpaceX”, Iterate quickly and break things can work for rockets, it just depends on the development phase and the type of project. I wouldn’t “iterate quickly” with manned, extra terrestrial or important cargo missions.
But it can be used for the early development of rockets. Space X had a deep well of proven technology to draw upon during the development of the Falcon rocket. They put the tech together and iterated quickly to get a final product.
Blue Origin as well as the Artemis program both use traditional techniques with similar proven technologies. I’d argue they aren’t as successful or were never intended to be successful (Artemis is just a jobs program for shuttle contractors at this point).
For the sake of the gene pool I hope you get your wish.
I’m not saying there is any medically proven correlation. But I’ve never had sleep paralysis after getting tested for sleep disorders and being treated for sleep apnea.
If you are regularly having sleep paralysis go get tested.
:Whispers: “Because it is ugly.”
Why invest in infrastructure when Germany and most of the EU has terminal demographics and poor energy policy? If anything they did the next generation a solid by not weighing them down with excessive infrastructure.
The Euro. solid second or third tier currency. I’m surprised Europeans want to celebrate this also ran fiat currency.
It was always runner up to the dollar up until the financial crisis. Once everyone realized there was no centralized response from Europe and they had to deal with a dozen different central banks making their own policy it quickly fell out of favor.
I’d rather carry Yen as an alternative to the dollar than the Euro.
Sounds like you need to man up and build calluses on your dick.
Yes, because everyone has the exact same use case as you. There can be no other outdoor activities which require more space than a hatchback. /s
I love comments criticizing trucks from Lemmy users who haven’t seen sunshine or touched grass in a year.
Do any kind of outdoor activity, maintain a property or mild home renovation on the regular with your sedans and we’ll see how long it takes before they look beat to shit or have mechanical issues.
Looks at Peter… Meh. Looks at Lois Griffin cosplay…. I didn’t know that this is what I really wanted to see.
Much of Russian oil production is going offline and is never coming back anyways. Since the fall of the USSR they haven’t been training engineers at a rate to maintain their own infrastructure. Many of the engineers they do have are nearing retirement age.
As a result don’t have the technical expertise to maintain their own infrastructure oil fields in Siberia. Those fields require oil to flow constantly otherwise the oil will freeze and expand and burst the pipes. The last time this happened was during the fall of the USSR and those well heads took 20 years to come back online and required Western expertise to repair.
They’ve depended on Western companies to build out and maintain those tracts ever since. When those go well heads go offline either through lack of maintenance or through Ukraine attacking storage centers where this oil is kept before its shipped, they won’t come back on again. They will still have tracts of oil fields in the Western part of the country that they can pump, but they will permanently loose a lot of capacity. Your likely to see a Venezuela style gradual drop off in production over the next ten years if they don’t change course and bring back Western expertise.
It doesn’t really matter to the US, we produce a ton of oil domestically and have been switching over our refineries to process it. Europe, China and India will be the ones to really feel the squeeze when Russian oil goes offline.