Im interested, what German stuff do you consume? Sometimes I feel like Gothic was the last piece of media that was actually culturally relevant outside of Germany. Aside from some music, I guess.
Im interested, what German stuff do you consume? Sometimes I feel like Gothic was the last piece of media that was actually culturally relevant outside of Germany. Aside from some music, I guess.
It’s all a matter of perspective, other animals would think the same about us for such concepts as:
Now, compare this to let’s say a jellyfish, which didn’t even change that much for millions of years because it just works.
I’m actually impressed you created that one 2 years ago, I assumed you just did it for this joke.
If you want to know some theories about their purpose, I’ve written a few in respone to another comment!
That’s the fun part, we don’t know actually! There are some theories though. Among others:
Could be for females to better select their mates since you simply cannot fuck without their consent. On that note, do you know about duck genitals?
Others think it could be camouflage since females, especially cubs, get attacked more often. Did I mention that females also have a fake scrotum?
There’s also the idea that the penis is for social purposes. Females can get an erection and inspecting as well as licking each others erections is a normal greeting in hyena land! Presenting your erection is a submissive thing though.
If you dive deep enough into the rabbit hole, you could be the first to discover the truth!
If that helps, it’s actually a really long clitoris which is used to urinate, copulate and well… give birth. The first-born cubs are usually stillborn as the pseudo-penis needs to rip open, which does take some extra time the first time around. There’s also a solid chance the mother dies in the process.
For anyone interested, let me add that hyenas give birth through their pseudo-penis. Have fun in the hyena rabbit hole, there is lots to be discovered!
The solutions don’t quite fancy me as positive whole values, see for yourself.
There are multiple instances pushing propaganda and most data can just be scraped by bots. It may be harder, but capitalism finds a way.
The last panel applies to every other social media, just replace the spying country.
Metalingus by Alter Bridge, gotta get me in a fighting mood.
Politically speaking, there is a clear-cut answer for what a good person is, I think. Someone who wants to improve the life of as many people as possible - even at the risk of decreasing their own circumstances. And that is usually what the left should aspire to be.
Socially speaking, this usually means to grant the same rights to everyone. Giving up privileges, overcoming the bias one might have against certain groups and stopping to exploit them.
Fiscally, this usually means supporting the poor. Conservative fiscal policies are mostly based on greed - ‘conserving’ the wealth of those who already have it at the cost of the poor. Going to your example, Germany, conservatives are all about taking money from the poor (Bürgergeld, Bafög, etc.) while denying any policies against the rich (just listen to the conservatives speeches during the vote of confidence: ‘These so called super-rich people don’t exist! We can’t take from those! They are all family-owned businesses! Their wealth creates jobs!’ [loosely translated summary of both Merz and Lindner] Which is just emotionally charged trickle down nonsense that has been disproven multiple times over.). The myth of ‘fiscal responsibility’ is also easily disproved if you look at Merz’ policies he is campaigning on - they have been proven as nonsense within days if not hours.
It’s easy to see which is morally the better choice, both if you’re poor and if you’re rich. Robin Hood isn’t recognized as a heroic figure for nothing.
Leftism is strange because most people aren’t left-leaning in every topic, just ask them about veganism e.g. Suddenly, a lot of people sound just like your average right-winger. Unfortunately, these people suck at acknowledging their own biases - just like pretty much every other human. They only support necessary social change up to the point they too would have to change.
The really strange thing is, call them out, and they may even turn right entirely, just for calling them out. I remember reading lots of people saying this after the election, despite the right having as much infighting as they have inbreeding. But it works for them.
The point is, I think a lot of people like to think about themselves as being on the left. They acknowledge it to be the correct way and want to think of themselves as being a good person - but they really aren’t, and it often shows.
And I repeat, that’s okay. We all suck at this. But we should still strife for better.
Lemmy users are normal people. However, only compared to other white males in their late twenties to mid thirties working in the tech industry. At least that’s what a survey on the German instance showed. Depending on your instance, the main variables are probably country of origin, sexual orientation and whether or not you’re still male - but statistically, that’s what you’ve been born as.
Compared to the general population, we’re probably more tech savvy, have higher education and therefore more money (mileage depends once again on you country of origin), are more left-leaning and we count way more furries among us.
If anything, it would work with just the first three panels and the last one, however it is fine as is.
I hate god and milk, checks out.
I’m glad people are finally coming around to this. There is still fun to be had in Skyrim, but it released around the same time as Dark Souls, Witcher 2, Risen 2 and Fable 3 among others. Not all of them are better games, however Skyrim most certainly isn’t the best one.
Well, I’ve been missing out on the whole travelling thing.
I’ve been too poor to relate to that.
Honestly, it’s the right image for both. At least for team based games. The first thing that comes to mind are unpleasent people when I hear ladder.