Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
Tea Party time for the Dems. Time for anyone on the far left to be just as annoying about this fascism as the far right was about the election of a black president. Primary as many Dems as possible, especially anyone enabling genocide or Renazicans. Annoy people at your work, shout down anyone trying to silence you, play your communist podcast louder than the guy in the other cubicle plays Ben Shapiro. Unite the Left might not rhyme, but the time is now, the slogan can be workshopped later.
You can sum up Russian history by saying - “…and then it got worse.” - it seems America and Russia have decided to join hands, so I’m not too optimistic!
The patriarchy cries when you wear anarchy panties on your face.
The next four years in America, for instance.
Fuck Lost. “It’s better to never reveal the mystery!” That was the guiding principle, to just cake on mystery and keep audiences following like a laser pointer and a cat. I’m an advocate for free speech, but if someone made a law outlawing that kind of storytelling, it might cause my resolve to waver. At least Stephen King will write an ending, even if it’s the third deus ex machina in a row, you’ll get an ending!