Not me, I’m on a whole other continent, watching the blaze, hoping it doesn’t spread too far.
Not me, I’m on a whole other continent, watching the blaze, hoping it doesn’t spread too far.
Where does the poop go?
Can both mouths eat?
Is one a false head to confuse predators?
Yeah, I remember getting a newer laptop in my late teens and having this moment of “I don’t have time to make a snack…” For better and for worse the wait times we used to fill with little comforts just went poof
Hitting the power button on the family computer then putting together a snack while the computer fully boots.
This loss meme is a bit complicated
Mom too busy edging to reply properly
2B Leggings for everyone!
Ah man, they make great E-ink android tablets… Was just thinking of upgrading my Nova 3 to the new Note 4C. That’s a shame.
You know you want a taste of that sap tho
Hallucinations leaking into captchas? This could be fun.
I get it probably wants the cat cookies but that example is probably AI, right?
Been at my new better job for a couple months now and it’s been AMAZING! Hope you’re journey is the same if not better!
I posted this somewhere else but I struggled into adulthood with analog clocks and learning to read them changed my relationship with time. I forced myself to learn to do it because I read about how it can improve time management skills. Now even my smart watch has an analog watch face, and one that puts my daily schedule onto the clock itself even.
Being able to read the hands and their movement kind of give a better sense of the units and movement of time itself. Totally recommend learning to properly read analog time.
I get that can help some people if coffee is part of your morning ritual. I never did coffee as a first first thing, setting it up the machine and then going about getting ready was always how I’ve done it. But I totally get, if you need it first thing a timer is great.
In my life personally, still can’t think of any appliance off the top of my head that needs to know what time it is.
Fair. I know I’m in the minority of people who feels they need a watch and constantly checks it, so anything other than the device on my wrist is just extra. Since I was a kid I’ve felt lost if I wasn’t wearing one.
The clock on the wall and watch, yeah, I actually use those for time. Everything else is more like, lol wtf does my coffee machine need the correct time for anyway
Orange skin with paleness around the eyes is the new giveaway