Because the blades I get aren’t packaged this way. Is that a reusable outer package? I’ve never seen anything like that.
Because the blades I get aren’t packaged this way. Is that a reusable outer package? I’ve never seen anything like that.
If you use an electric beard trimmer to cut the long stubble down first it works better. Any razor does, but especially safety razors, since there’s only one cutting blade per side and when it’s clogged with longer hairs must be fully cleaned out for a perfect shave.
As someone whose grandfather was a carpenter for Gillette in Massachusetts from after WWII until a few years before his death, I’ve got to say that while i use safety razors because of the price, I do get a far superior shave in less time with the “fuck everything it, we’re doing five blades” (basically the 3+ blades modern razors). I just don’t like having to take out a second mortgage for refills.
You forgot the frikandel speciaal.
There’s a big difference between fantasizing about using the little yapping dickhead as a canon wad, and actually putting the yapping dickhead into a canon and firing it at a brick wall. Sure, I might think about poisoning my neighbors neglected dogs that do nothing but bark all day while I’m trying to concentrate, but i won’t, actually.
My guy sold weed until he owned a house then had a kid. He figured he pressed his luck long enough. He also had an effective laundry.
Once I hit my 40s, massive home diy projects have either become necessities (too expensive to hire out), pipe dreams, or like PA DOT working on route 202 in my youth (never ending with incremental steps that never improve the experience of driving). The energy loss is off the hook, and I’m not a flubbynutter.
Creating the projects by concentrating poverty into towers of terror is no better than having skid rows.
I can honestly say I’ve never encountered this aphorism before. I feel like it’s something my junior high shop teacher would have said while I stared at him open-mouthed trying to parse the precise contours of the proverb.
When did TNG become SNG? Just wondering if I missed a memo.
That guy’s face is so red I’m surprised he hasn’t popped.
Same issue here. I went back to using voyager (wefwef, since I never deleted and resaved the link to my iphone desktop to catch the rebrand) because clicking on response notifications in Memmy sends me to the correct post but not the correct comments. Also I can log into the desktop site on my laptop, but my home desktop absolutely refuses to log in (even after saying that I’m logged in).
i7-4770 freebie work surplus for me - the only thing I paid for was a GTX1060ti several years ago.
Right - the US overton window is dramatically shifted to the right, and the discourse on here does not accept that as a given but rather as a subject of critical analysis.
The issue is that you rely on fear to gain support. You can’t just say, “I’m opposed to illegal immigration, we need to police our borders better.” Many people are interested in regulated borders. But then many on your side make it clear hate is their motivator, playing the xenophobic line and saying shit like “because these sand n*$&ers are murderers, terrorists and rapists.” And those who aren’t saying shit like that are silent.
I’m not interested in importing deeply conservative religious people to this country that are going to threaten the societal shift toward a secular society, especially at the specific time the SCOTUS is giving religions special privileges. But by no means do I need to cultivate hate in my heart or others, unless I’m a fuck.
PragerU is like barely removed from Nazi propaganda. It’s so fucking insidiously and evilly incorrect I can’t believe YouTube allows it at all. Fucking YouTube
Native Americans made war with each other. It wasn’t an idea that was introduced to them by colonizers.
There was a wave of tankie on Reddit and here during the reddexit. It was like, “where the fuck did stalin/mao/pol pot loving, atrocity denying weirdos come from en masse?” But you’re right the shock was bigger than the phenomenon.
I try to remember to use the old paper, but usually I despose of them in a cardboard toilet paper roll with one end pinched shut.