Don’t forget French Toast
Don’t forget French Toast
Sometimes you recommend games to your friends because they’re bad games. There’s even content creators that explicitly look for ‘games so bad they’re good’.
Some games are so poorly designed or executed that the bugs and discontinuity become the fun, instead of just playing through them as designed. Horror games in particular just become funny when done poorly.
With some 3d printers, that lp0 message is kind of relevant again…
So happy about his new stick :D
This one is Steve, this is Janelle, over there is Oscar…
There’s a small tray sitting on my microwave with a mixture of random sauce packets.
Then batteries go in the random junk drawer (you know, the third drawer down).
This looks like an adult Dora the Explorer. The world changes people…
The space-time around your triangle has a bend in it
Gotta focus on the now; If I look too far into the future I just spiral into a deep depression.
That sounds like storage failure.
I actually ran into something similar with the RPI 2 weeks ago. It was running incredibly slow, certain file directories refused to load, DNS resolution was failing 1/3 of the time and was super slow when it did work…
Pretty sure the 6 year old sd card finally gave up.
Having a script automatically write a bootable backup of the SD card to an SSH server once a week makes that recovery super easy. Literally just write the last backup to a new card, swap them out, and all’s well again.
Viewing multiple signals, signal generation, digital signal analysis.
You may be able to do most of that with the newer one on the top of the stack; but it’s nice to have backups/spares to use or just to put things on separate screens.
Working hardware is working hardware; form factor doesn’t really matter.
My primary DNS server is a rpi.
Honestly; best change Elmo has made
But I’m catching a lot of the heat here because I’m the one who decided to do a LOT of the explaining.
A big part of that is probably that almost none of the mods listed in the sidebar are active.
There’s not many places to direct the attention atm.
Yes. For about 18 hours yesterday.
Good. What an awful concept. A whole bunch of extra screwing around trying to keep products aligned with what’s on screen along with maintenance and running costs; just so you can piss off your customers with a worse experience and waste more of their time with advertising nobody wants.
If you install nets just below rooftop edges to catch jumpers… What stops them jumping down to the net, then jumping from the net?
Six hundred and one PM.
Take the perspective of things that get cooked.
If you’re being cooked, things aren’t exactly going your way… Others around you are having a great time though, dinner is served.
As to being sick of it; OP, you may be turning into a crotchety old man… Not cool dude; that’s like, totally lame. :P