A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.
Neat there’s even a video: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda%E2%80%93Milky_Way_collision
35k in 2022 is not a living wage.
Should I believe empirical evidence or a narcissistic grifter catering to my vindictive preconceptions? This is the left/right divide in America.
Stripper poles and beer are undeniable proof of his noodliness. Have faith, and by that I mean believe everything I say without evidence.
Several stops have been created for ca high speed rail in the valley
I wonder if it’s a cultural thing, because every ruler seems to be an autocrat no matter if they call themselves Czars, Presidents, or Prime Ministers. Are Russian politicians always willing to resort to violence making those who do not politically disadvantaged?
And just like that they’re sliding back into the dark ages. Putin wants ignorant masses to exploit.
What a hill to die on.
Add a handful of frozen stir fry veggies and some slices of Chinese sausage too, then pretend like you have a lazy stoner Michelin star.
I’d rather have unpleasant itching than possibility of eternal torture.
I read an amazing story about some pagan dude who invited the missionaries at his door in and calmly explained to them that he was descended from those people exclusively so none of their rules applies to him and what they considered sins were fine. They didn’t know what to say and just left. Sadly, it seems to have disappeared from the internet.
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1 Khomeini = creation of 40 million religious extremists? (The approximate population of Iran just after the Islamic revolution there.)
Although, it can be a difficult problem for people quantizing such things to even classify what counts as extremism.
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