Articles/titles need to stop using the word ‘teleportation’ -_- it has very different implications
Articles/titles need to stop using the word ‘teleportation’ -_- it has very different implications
So not FTL right?
The left gives upper middle class tax breaks. Kamala’s plan would have cut taxes for anyone making under $914,900/yr.
What do you use? Skype, teamspeak, mumble, ventrillo were all blown out of the water by discord imo, except for niche things like the whisper feature on ts for large groups
Not sure where the discord hate is coming from (besides the new mobile app). If you’re someone who has to use Teams for work, surely you’d kill to switch to Discord instead.
Yes it is very pedantic to refer to a legal definition lol. Realistically, eliminating the idea of lbm entirely would make the entire conversation much more sensible.
The confusion stems from the fact that laymen use force and mass interchangeably as they are always on earth and changes in altitude aren’t significant enough to worry about. Standing on a European scale and seeing a measurement in kg isn’t entirely accurate- it’s actually measuring Newtons and implying your mass in kg from that. Standing on an American scale, however, is literally measuring your weight in lbf. However, there is also a confusing unit called lbm or pounds mass which measures the mass of a 1lbf weight object on earth. The average person will never use lbm realistically, but this is technically the unit that converts directly to kg.
No, pounds in the traditional usage refer to lbf, or weight. If you stand on a scale, it measures the force you’re exerting on the scale, which is absolutely distinct from mass because the exact same scale would show a different value on Mt Everest despite you not losing any mass. Every practical use will be measuring lbf. Ie PSI, or pounds per square inch, is clearly referring to force over an area, not mass.
1 lbm weighs 1 lbf on earth, which implies that accelerating a 1lbm object at a rate of 32.2ft/s2 requires 1lbf.
Engineers are the few types of people that actually use lbm and slugs. Sensible ones will prefer to just use metric.
No more than 1kg
Subscribing gives you a 1/200 million chance of being part of one of his videos/giveaways. That’ll do it.
To take your last point even further, others have a responsibility to prevent you from sterilizing yourself. To take it even further, they have a responsibility to force you to reproduce as long as you have the potential.
A fetus is not a child.
Are you not logged in? I get the message but not in a private window
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Neuroscience, not yet. Data science absolutely is though.
From Soft is the light in the darkness.
But portals can create energy. Put one above the other face to face and drop an object into the bottom one, it now has infinite potential energy.
It is, but should not be in the title regardless. Just say entanglement.