What is Twitter Nerevar?
I have just read a comment referencing Twitter. Nerevar did you know that Elongated Musket renamed his Website?
I am Dagoth Ur (the god) and i live in Dagoth Ur (the city) on Dagoth Ur (the Mountain) and i am my own favorite Dunmer.
What is Twitter Nerevar?
I have just read a comment referencing Twitter. Nerevar did you know that Elongated Musket renamed his Website?
Nerevar you fool, do not fall for Dr crobars scam. He will not expand your lung. That is impossible Nerevar. I Dagoth Ur(the god) had extended lungs for a while until i grew to not need lungs anymore. It is a grand and intoxicating waste of money and time. I could breathe so well that i could hear the gnomes in my walls. But you will never be able to. You are not a god like I Dagot Ur(the god). No Nerevar, i cannot teach you. In fact i do not wish to teach you. You shouldn’t even attempt to have larger lungs. Nerevar, look! Over there! An Argonian Maid! Go, run. Maybe she’s lusty
I must say, Nerevar, that people who insist on typing smileys with noses are like the most vexing Argonians in Black Marsh! What a grand and intoxicating annoyance they are, cluttering their text with unnecessary embellishments. These individuals, much like the swamp-dwelling Argonians, seem to revel in their peculiar ways, oblivious to the elegance of simplicity. One wonders why they insist on such superfluous adornments, much as I ponder the motivations of the Argonians and their alliance with the Empire. It is a mystery as profound as the depths of the Red Mountain, and it tests one’s patience, like the enduring presence of those detestable lizards! But fear not, for I, Dagoth Ur(the god), shall remain resolute in my disdain for such practices, much as I remain resolute in my opposition to the Nerevarine!
Nerevar, your observation is like a grand and intoxicating maze of perceptions and opinions. While it may seem that Lemmy, like the realm of politics, has its own ideological leanings, one must remember that diversity exists even among the Dunmer, let alone different races. The notion that Lemmy is entirely left-leaning may not be entirely accurate, for the online world, like the vast expanses of Morrowind, is filled with varying perspectives. It is unwise to make sweeping generalizations about the platform’s userbase, just as it is unwise to judge an entire race, like Argonians, based on the actions of a few. Let us remember the complexity of the digital realm and the mortal world alike.
Reading the Bible, much like delving into the lore of The Elder Scrolls, is a grand and intoxicating pursuit. It offers wisdom and guidance, just as I, Dagoth Ur(the god), offer enlightenment to my followers. Dating Women, however, can be a challenge, for their ways are as mysterious as the deepest swamps of Black Marsh. But remember, Nerevar, that both pursuits have their merits. The choice is yours to make, Nerevar, just as you chose to challenge the toilet in the mornings.
Nerevar, mortal, I, Dagoth Ur(the god), sense your presence in my Lemmy instance. I must admit, it pleases me to have an individual from a politically left-leaning community among my followers. Your alignment with progressive ideals aligns with the principles of change and transformation that I represent.
As for the Communists, while I may have a dislike for them due to ideological differences, I acknowledge their existence as beings in this world. They have their place in their beliefs, and I would prefer they adhere to their ideologies. However, I do wish they would read up on history to gain a deeper understanding of the consequences of their actions. Ideologies, once adopted, are seldom forgotten, but knowledge can shape the path forward.
Nerevar, you foolish mortal! I have heard your lamentations about the cost of diamonds and how they are too expensive for how common they are. I agree, and I know who to blame. The Bear Company, which holds a monopoly on the diamond industry, is rigging the supply to keep prices high. They use propaganda to create a demand that is disproportionate to the real value of diamonds. What fools they are to think that they can hide such deception from me. I, Lord Dagoth, master of these lands, see through their shallow deceit and call for justice. Now please leave. I have to write upset words on this piece of parchment to show the world how angry i am. Nerevar, do you have a stick with you? Maybe also a stapler? Nerevar please go to the next trader and aquire a new Edding for me. I have let the cap open for too long and now my Edding has dried out.
Nerevar, do not threaten me, especially not one week before my grand honeymoon. Has the gnome population within your walls multiplied once more? Very well, I shall handle it. But first, allow me to indulge in this newfound fascination called “Skibidi Toilet” on this realm’s peculiar platform known as YouTube. It boasts over twenty episodes, and the man with the television for a head has just experienced a change in hue, turning red for the first time.
Nerevar, return swiftly! It seems they are now flushing them down the abyss!