There is an app. Fog of the world is the name. Havent tried it personally.
The children yearn for the mines.
There is an app. Fog of the world is the name. Havent tried it personally.
Dont worry im 30 and got called old for posting this in a discord im in.
So you hook your spotify up to this and it gives you different music from what spotify recommends?
Reddit is leaking
You consider waiting a step?
This logic will never make sense to me.
I have some bat dicks too if you want those.
I need a shower after watching that. And not in the good way.
I aim to mildly disappoint.
I was just sitting in a chair outside. I dont label it.
Alright one of you perverbs knows the sauce.
New England is the name of the region in the Northeastern United States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. No New York.
Only the UK and people who have seen the Departed know about us. And I dont think they would be able to point it out on the map.
My ex ran her over the guy she dated after me with her car so bullet dodged…or car dodged i guess.
I might need to update my firefox. Think thats the issue.
Just tried. It does not.
EDIT: Needed to update my browser.
Theres only one plant in my yard i consider a “weed”. It grows almost like a carrot or a parsnip. But it grows a long thick root straight down and has a small leafy part on top. And when you pluck them out it leaves a cone shaped hole. No clue what it is but ive been calling it a tuber lol
Mine has from what I can tell but ive also seeded it a couple times a year.
I dont really do anything about weeds anymore. I let the dandelions do their things. I have some patches of crab grass but it doesnt bother me. The clover doesnt grow very high but when it is full bloom you can tell when it is walked on in high traffic. We have wild turkeys too and they will roost on the clover and it leaves imprints in the ground but it springs back after a day or so.