DaGeek247 of https://dageek247.com
Y’all joke but my conservative christian parents straight up said this exact same thing a couple years ago. They did not like him either.
Lmao I didn’t even notice that one. Thought it was a crossbow or some shit.
It’s the hammer and sicklebehind the no symbol.
Also, House was an ass in his trans episode, as were the ‘kids’ parents.
I could understand his confusion though. The scar is on the wrong side.
I have a bad movie night with family every week, and these were the recent ones. We watched via streaming services.
The last Marvel movie I watched was the end game one. Haven’t bothered with another Marvel TV series or movie since. The last star wars movie I watched was the one where Luke projects his appearance and the bad guys shoot it a lot without doing anything. I haven’t bothered with any of the other tv series or movies for star wars either.
I’m not the usual customer though. The last movies I saw in theaters was wicked and inside out 2.
Or you could just click shutdown without closing any browser windows, safe in the knowledge that they would all load back in whenever you open your browser next?
After minor setup, my experience has been incredibly plug and play.
Huh. That’ll do it. What about a triangle where each person has to decide between the other two (as in Hollywood where the girl is trying to choose between two guys, but with an actual triangle as noted in the image), but still remains straight?
Very neat. But the fun part of this is that if you’re poly/into more than one person, you are now a part of the LGBT group, not the straight one.
Note the above image, where the triangle shape requires that every person be into another person, with the tension being that if it’s cishet, they have to choose only one person.
We aren’t checking to see if a shape with LGBT people works, we know those do. We are checking to see if a cishet triangle is even possible.
Even numbers are pretty easy to solve at least. They can be straight or lgbt.
I posit that any love shape that includes an odd number of participants requires some form of deception, or at least one LGBT person in order to be valid.
Gotcha. That accounts for one pairing. What about the other two? You’d need at least a double mulan situation in order to have a chance at an actually straight love triangle.
Where the dude is into effiminate guys, or …?
Good god that penis tho
My robots.txt has been respected by every bot that visited it in the past three months. I know this because i wrote a page that IP bans anything that visits it, and l also put it as a not allowed spot in the robots.txt file.
I’ve only gotten like, 20 visits in the past three months though, so, very small sample size.
I think that if Disney was confident in whatever movie it is they’re making, they would have kept RDJ’s involvement on the down-low, to surprise the audience. Instead, they made this big hullabaloo about RDJ coming back.
Disney famously broke the contract with Robin Williams to advertise him in Alladin. I don’t think Disney would ever keep a big stars involvement ‘on the down-low’, regardless of how confidant they are about a movies success.
Colors are on the wrong side for grindr. Galaxy guy is probably right.
There’s been at least three, including this one.