My bad I shoot for the highest probably optionand I missed … Yeah we gave the pasta al forno name to the lasagna and call that dish you probably refer as pasta pasticciata…
My bad I shoot for the highest probably optionand I missed … Yeah we gave the pasta al forno name to the lasagna and call that dish you probably refer as pasta pasticciata…
Nice so … let this be constructive for both ends … Yeah we eat pasta really often like really often most of us at least once a day if not twice but we make it like 200 times more healthy than (as I heard) u probably did for instance we don’t use ketchup on the pasta we use tomato sauce and there’s so much difference it scientifically proved one Italian out of two will have a stroke discovering how you do it … 😉 We usually eat around 80grams (yeah yeah go have fun doing the conversion ) of pasta plus some meat and veggies… And that’s brings me straight to the point how the heck can u fill a dinner without some kind of pasta … What did u eat? Meat and meat ? 🤷 About your second question I will skip it u probably don’t really care and I will talk for like ages about stuff I somehow know because it’s instinctive that objectively aren’t so obvious… Aaaaand no lasagna would probably still be considered a pasta disch yes it has some meet but it doesn’t metter … Spaghetti con le polpettine (meatball spaghetti) also have meat but they remain pasta plus somewhere in remote regions of Italy we call the lasagna pasta al forno witch means oven baked pasta
Oooh now i understand yeah …an Italian fanatic… that would be my third option next time 🤔 yokes aside I’m honored to be Italian some time thanks man
There’s two options here 1 I have met a fellow Italian 2 you are a master chef (I don’t believe anybody else outside Italy could match the right pasta with the right sauce )
Yeah man I have seen stuff like flipping the phone upside down before putting it to the ear …
Not to mention its so addictive that brings people in a state of daze and confusion till they actually believe it’s good for they’re health and they go spreading words such as “u should drink at least a liter and a half a day” we are gone so far that there are also biosynthesized or chemically engineered versions for bays and little kitties this society is awfull
Because they would like to appreciate it at the extreme level of goodness and cut like that gets cold faster…