7 months agoIs the Italian place a lamp store?
Is the Italian place a lamp store?
Me no lurk. Me comment.
Well my house is an Animahouse and can do that whenever it wants.
Yeah…getting older is why this bullshit happens.
I used to have deep, deep sleep and could sleep until 10am if my schedule permitted.
After I hit my 40s I always wake up at 5-6am. Always. Still tired, just can’t fall back to sleep. Hate it.
I think those “up early” Dads and Grandpas are full of crap. They want to sleep in too, but their stupid old bodies won’t let them, so they act like the’re so awesome for being up early. At, least, that’s what I do…
I really wish I could change people’s minds with logic…that hasn’t been my experience.
It just finally cooled off where I live. I can spend more than 15 minutes outside without sweating.
I’m so happy. I call it Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. The first day around May that it hits 90⁰ outside I’m depressed until late October.