I dunno, the insulated water cup I use is made of metal. A lot of them are.
Science and expert opinion should be respected, “your own research” is usually worthless, Black Lives Matter, Taiwan is a country, Love is Love, and Trans Rights are Human Rights.
No nazis or tankies, thanks.
I dunno, the insulated water cup I use is made of metal. A lot of them are.
If demanding better features means you’re old, then fuck being young.
Yeah I don’t know about “likely” but it’s not a bad thing to have.
Cool, I’ma go tell my wife something we disagree on is idiotic and we’ll see how it goes. Should be fine, right? It’s not combative!
I know, it’s not buttered noodles and tendies. The horror.
What an idiotic comparison.
…is incredibly reductive and combative. The world needs less of that, not more.
Be the change, homie.
In any case, do recall that many of us are in enterprise environments where we’re not the only decision makers. Plus, FOSS without reliable support contracts isn’t workable for many use cases. If something in FOSS goes tits up none of my customers will be satisfied with the great discussion I had with the devs about it and how they’ll totally get to it after Furrycon.
You might not be paying for software in money but you’re going to pay for it, one way or another.
If you’ve got a better idea for what to do with pension contributions we’re all ears.
Okay but Henry Cavill is simply unfair to the rest of humanity.
I can’t speak to a lot of these subgenres but power metal? Hehehe.
Dragonforce - Through Fire and Flames. Not just a meme, actually a great song and very technical.
Powerwolf - Blessed & Possessed. Werewolves that work for the Catholic Church? I have no idea how that’s supposed to work but I’d read the book.
Sabaton - To Hell and Back. Sabaton writes a lot of songs about historical battles.
Powermetal has rather a lot of narrative ballads in it.
Oh, I’ve got a good folk metal band too:
Eluveitie - The Call of the Mountain. I love all the different instruments they use.
Alestorm - Drink. How the hell did I forget Alestorm? Who wants pirate metal?
Bloodywood - Dana Dan. Indian folk metal rap/rock … with a lot of English? I don’t know what’s going on here but it’s such a unique blend.
Someone mentioned Nightwish and here’s my favorite song of theirs:
Were there like a panel of demons or what?
Things were awkward when they all got home.
I got to visit Scotland once and was told in no uncertain terms that we were not to refer to the weather as “cold.”
It might be brisk. It might even be bracing. But never cold. Has to be something to it.
Oh I’m pretty sure the rich entrenching their power goes back a wee bit longer than 2 centuries. Ask a feudal peasant.
Hah, my mom fell for this shit from letter that circulated around. Dumbest shit ever.
All due to Sodium Erythorbate.
The thing is he’s a really cheap drunk because you never have to serve him anything over a certain age.
Whenever Bible Thumpers go on about tots and pears on this topic, quote two verses at em’.
Matthew 6:5-6
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
James 2:26
As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.
Nothing shuts em’ up quite like beating them at their own game.
British authors, but extremely popular in the US. I guess we could call these Anglo-isekai?
Someone in that org needs to be an adult and say no to pointless rebrands and brain dead consolidation. Literally nobody, even Google, is benefiting from this spastic behavior.