Friends: buying houses and having kids.
Me: let’s get a motorcycle license babe.
Tbh we started off with her going: “i want a tiny you, someday” to eventually: “i can’t stand kids, no thanks” (we visited her sister abroad for a week and her kids totally drained us) and now we’re back to: “i kinda want a baby as it’s now or never” while i completely embraced the idea of never having kids once she asked me to get a vasectomy (i didn’t as i didn’t feel it was neccesary).
I’d rather just make more money and have more fun. I never fit in well so i doubt my kids will too, i don’t want that for them. Heck i also don’t want the current state of society for them, i don’t even want that for me.
Had none of that with my clear gameboy pocket, that boy was plugged into a wall socket most of the time because of how much pokemon i played on it.
But tbh i wasn’t really a greasy kid, i remember friends controllers which were sticky af and made me not want to play because of how gross it made me feel.