Sorry that it didn’t land as an obvious joke. With the NSDAP NPD AfD on such a steep rise, I think I have transcended gallows humour and arrived at necromancer humour levels to be able to cope with this reality.
Sorry that it didn’t land as an obvious joke. With the NSDAP NPD AfD on such a steep rise, I think I have transcended gallows humour and arrived at necromancer humour levels to be able to cope with this reality.
Thank you a lot for the load of information! I just now got to reading it all. I was very skeptical about the fact that it is fed by the output of other LLMs but the way you explain it makes sense to me that it might not be that much of a problem. I guess a super blunt analogy could be “It’s only incest if it’s your children” lol
Thanks for the explanation. I don’t understand enough about large language models to give a valuable judgement on this whole Deepseek happening from a technical standpoint. I think it’s excellent to have competition on the market and it feels that the US’ whole “But they’re spying on you and being a national security risk” is a hypocritical outcry when Facebook, OpenAI and the like still exist.
What do you think about Deepseek? If I understood correctly, it’s being trained on the output of other LLMs, which makes it much more cheap but, to me it seems, also even less trustworthy because now all the actual human training data is missing and instead it’s a bunch of hallucinations, lies and (hopefully more often than not) correctly guessed answers to questions made by humans.
Does open sourcing require you to give out the training data? I thought it only means allowing access to the source code so that you could build it yourself and feed it your own training data.
Wouldn’t be the worst thing. I don’t mind the EU cooperating with USA but we’ve been piggybacking too comfortably off many US “services” when it comes to consumer tech and the military. That way we forgot to build something on our own in case of “Europe’s Saviour” turning into a political (if not, yet, military) enemy.
Watched this video earlier today and I definitely hope German city planners in my area don’t embrace this required car-centric approach to infrastructure more than they did for cities like Munich .
Smart! If my company ever digitises enough to make this a possibility, I’ll implement (or at least suggest) it!
I absolutely hate it. I understand the reasoning that banning the party would likely result in them just doing their stuff underground in an organization and place that you don’t yet have infiltrated with spies, but holy fuck when will something fundamental happen to the AFD? We’re dangerously close to repeating history.
And I don’t think I can trust on the whole “defensible democracy” thing anymore…
Okay, thank you for the comprehensive answer! I remembered wrong, I actually have the GTX 1660 Ti. Ever since I switched from my 970, I always mix up the numbers. Nonetheless, it changes almost nothing about your statement, I think, lol
I wonder what they think of as high-end GPUs, though. I’ve been using a GTX 1060 to run my games for around two or three years and am mostly happy with performance vs quality. Would a GTX 1060 today be out of AMD’s scope already or are we talking rivaling Nvidia’s 40xx series today?
Edit: If the video answers that, I apologise. I’m at work and can’t watch it immediately
I have only had two AirBnB experiences in the past years (one of which was just a week ago). Maybe it’s just different in Germany or I got lucky, but our AirBnB hosts were always available (and actual locals instead of unknown house moguls) for questions, offered very decent apartments (especially for the price) and were at most half as expensive as the cheapest hotel in the same area (not even gonna mention the fact that getting a hotel with two dogs is hard to impossible anyway).
Yes, there was the sudden cleaning fee of 20€ and the stupid AirBnB fee but it only bumped it up from around 60€ per night to around 80€.
Thanks for the clarification!
I will squoosh and squeeze him, since he enjoys that more generally lol
Thank you for pointing that out. Nuclear reactors today (and many even “back then”) are very, very stable and have so many safeties in place, that it’s hard to cause a second Chernobyl meltdown, if I’m not mistaken.
Indeed. It could be a huge win for Nebula, in fact. At least I hope if the users on YouTube lose that a different platform wins and it won’t just be a net loss for users and YT-competitors.
I knew I wasn’t just imagining things. I like to listen to music on YouTube when driving to work. And sure, the internet reception there is spotty (danke, Merkel), but for a couple weeks now I’ve consistently had a very long “buffering” period every time the next video/song loaded up.
Well, joke’s on them. I found out about NewPipe and its built-in video/audio downloader, because I complained to an acquaintance about it.
I know I’m arguing a completely different issue here than what the article/post is about, but if a call is so important that you can’t take it after your drive, then maybe the prudent thing would be to halt the car and take the call without sacrificing your own and others’ safety due to the loss in focus.
I’m eagerly awaiting an answer here. Every time I read “Gaming on Linux is already pretty good!” the further instructions read to me like having to write your own game engine (straight up incompatibility of some games aside).
I’m willing to fuck around with Linux on a similar difficulty to tinkering with somewhat hard to install mods or slightly difficult Windows troubleshooting (such as tinkering with individual registry entries or editing .ini files).
You might be right. The last time I heard that, was probably almost a decade ago. It’s just something that got stuck in my brain about Apple superfans
True, true. We literally omly have a wood furnace, so are absolutely not affected by this, but I’ll see how reporting potential GDPR violations in the name of someone else works.