Oof… I don’t find that as long or intense of a pattern as with brave but the behaviour to reach out and repeatedly bug the guy about his small blog post reflects strangely and poorly on his character :/ I had no idea kagi kinda came with baggage as well.
And yeah, it definitely is. Thats part of why I try really hard not to let perfect be the enemy of good. There is no perfect, and I still want to be involved in good where I can, to the extent that there is good available.
Thank you very much for taking the time to share a ton of additional context. I often have a hard time keeping in the loop about things and if I’m going to use imperfect things because I think they’re better than the alternative, then I want to at least pay attention to and understand their imperfections
Nah, you’re all good, this has been a lovely conversion and I’ve appreciated your extra info :)
I hope you have a good day my friend 😊