I am old inside
I am old inside
hottest desserts
Ah yes, me walking over a plain of creme brulee
None of what you said makes any sense to me. Of course EU states are very different right now, and the language barrier is huge.
I’ll say some debatable things now but I don’t want to write a dissertation so i need to take shortcuts.
To unify Europe for real compromises must be made and an european identity must be created, the USA pulled this off almost entirely thanks to having a shorter history and also thanks to things like hollywood pushing calculated stereotypes (an arguably positive form of propaganda). European populations have been fighting each other for thousands of years so it will take some effort, but I think the reciprocal hate is at a legendary minimum nowadays, and there is a lot of mobility.
I may agree that going straight to unification may be premature, but to be honest the usa have a great deal of diversity and still make it work.
Yes please, but to be honest “Human like automaton” seems like the prevailing life form around here
Please come back
Ever wondered why the divorce rate in hollywood is so high? Must not be easy to deal with that shit
Or how you had to go around with different currencies, stop at all borders with your passport etc
I’m not vegan either tbh, but I do think the way we treat animals is relentlessly cruel and whoever denies it has salami slices over their eyes
You keep talking of me as if I was a bot, which is sort of dehumanising. And by reading your other comments I can tell you for sure that indeed I am not your fan.
Yes i did, it was much more entertaining than either your mum or you comment history.
This kind of reaction is what they allude to in the Matrix when they say “if he’s not one of us, he’s one of them”. You are already ready to fight to defend a system of slaughter and oppression.
This is the kind of thing that will get you cancelled in a few years when specism starts getting recognised for what it is
If anything the peak was infinity wars. But tbh just finished watching s02 of loki and it’s absolutely excellent. I have tons of critique but still it’s very good.
If anything the peak was infinity wars. But tbh just finished watching s02 of loki and it’s absolutely excellent. I have tons of critique but still it’s very good.
If anything the peak was infinity wars. But tbh just finished watching s02 of loki and it’s absolutely excellent. I have tons of critique but still it’s very good.
Ah yes, like the madison cube garden
It’s the first step of the recipe to cook and eat the rich