To me the real abuse was putting it on social media without obscuring the children.
To me the real abuse was putting it on social media without obscuring the children.
Just don’t try apricot body scrub…
It might be easier just to pick up a camel juicer and gravity feed the camel juice through the needle.
But people rarely get to the point of deprivation insanity, let alone death.
Go without sleep for 48 hours for no other reason than an experiment. I guarantee you will sleep the third day, even though you technically don’t need to.
That’s exactly how I read it. You don’t have to… but you will want to, and be tired as fuck if you don’t.
You don’t have to, doesn’t mean you won’t want to…
Are you a breakfast person? We normally just ate the biscuits from the hotel room and starved until lunch, but one day my dad and I was going to meet up with my mom and her sister for a traditional English breakfast. However we got lost and ended up in some tiny Cafe, God knows where. They were serving lasagna for breakfast, and it was delicious.
My mom and aunt actually found the place and had some beens and toast and blood sausage, they were not impressed.
We were actually there for my uncle in laws wedding, so you would think we would have gotten better advice. But I guess weddings are busy…
The food at the wedding was amazing though. I can’t even remember it all, they brought out so much food. I think there was venison and duck, and fish I have never even heard of before, it was over the top. But his parents were like old money wealthy, so I doubt that’s common. It was also in like a minor castle, and the grounds were just gorgeous. I could have spent days just inspecting all the plants, so much variety of foreign plants and super cool hardwood trees.
That was the only great food we had, although the Indian food pretty good. Got old after a week though.
It’s exceptionally easy to do as a tourist. Last I visited, first we went to a restaurant and ordered and it was subpar. So then we were told “you have to go to a Chippy, if you want real fish and chips” so we did… they should have told us which “Chippy”, they are not all the same.
That was the worst culinary experience of my life. I have never had a more oily nasty fried fish. The wet breading just fell off, and it tasted like very old oil. I threw out 2/3s of it, as did basically everyone else.
We ended up eating at indian restaurants the rest of the trip.
Fact? It’s a full fledged conspiracy theory, with zero actual proof supporting it.
I just want to point out that the Oxy to black market pipeline ended about a decade ago in the US. The pendulum has swung back the other way so hard that doctors are terrified of prescribing even short term scripts. Oxy average street value is now somehow more than $1/MG. A gum wrapper (stanard dose) of H (Fent mix) is like $6-$10 depending on market and qty. People who have lost access to their pain meds and started using H say a dose is the equivalent of like 15 to 20 MG of oxy. It would be more, if it didn’t have much shorter legs.
We were meanish with this. If we saw a bunch of rambunctious kids while eating out, we would buy them dessert as we left and tell the server that we were family friends and we wanted to get them all something sweet for one kids birthday… LOL
ISIS targeting Synagogues and jewish supporters according to the FSB.
Yeah no, I get the Onion thing, it’s usually taught in collegiate finance courses… but the Box Office thing threw me off. Apparently the MPAA lobbied to have it added. I am just amused that it’s attached to Onion Law.
The Onion Futures Act is a United States law banning the trading of futures contracts on onions as well as “motion picture box office receipts”
Lol. Wut?
The hospital will discharge you, they avoid keeping beds warm for those that will soon be dead. So unless they think your going to be back very soon, they will send you with a discharge plan to go die at home when at all possible.
Your still more likely to die at home than in a hospital.
Is it my personal graveyard, or do I just get squatters rights? I guess my question is, can I charge admission?
Add to that all the doctors and office staff that have to deal with backbilling by them and you can add like another million suspects to the list.