That is because their truth is embarrassing.
That is because their truth is embarrassing.
I have rarely seen this man speak and after that I can only assume his fan base hasn’t seen him much either. The guy is clearly of average intelligence and a total racist piece of shit. No wonder he threw a tantrum over this interview.
I’m in my 40s and I honestly still don’t understand the appeal of the GOP to the average American. I have never seen them put forth a policy that does not seem to be shitting on one group or another. What has the GOP done in the last 40 years to make the average citizens life better?
Kids make bad decisions sometimes. It’s not weird.
I’ll take your word for it. I’m not a member so it doesn’t show me the price. Looking forward to all the profitable $1 grilled cheese trucks coming soon.
Well even with that bread you are still spending about $0.25 per sandwich on bread. I still don’t see how that’s profitable after adding cheese and butter. You could do it by drastically reducing the amount of cheese and butter but is it really a grilled cheese when you put a single shred of cheese on it?
I would love to see your source. I don’t buy bread in bulk but I have a friend who owns a local restaurant in my town. I know how much he pays for the bread he serves for breakfast and it doesn’t get cheaper than that.
I live on earth. Even if you’re buying bulk, it will still be more than a dollar to make. The bread alone bought in bulk would still be around $0.25 per slice. That’s 50 percent of the cost right there.
I realize this is a joke but how could this be profitable? The ingredients alone are more than a dollar.
There are some great shows on Apple TV but for me Foundation is not one of them. I really enjoyed The Afterpart.
Serious question. Why? Is he going to run for another position or something? What purpose does it serve to change the public’s view of his administration?
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
This kind of happened to me. My wife always walked the dogs but she started a new job so I took over. My mental health has been so much better it’s crazy. And I sleep through the night now too.
First of all, I don’t go to coffee shops which is what we were talking about so the point is moot. Second, the fact that you seem to think it is the customer in the wrong and not the employers shows just how brain washed you are by corporations. People have been unionizing and striking across the country for living wages and that is the answer, not shaming the customer. Wake up.
And don’t put the blame on the customer. Demand better wages. I’m not taking it out on anyone.
I don’t go to coffee shops but I wouldn’t tip there either. I don’t think I should be responsible for paying employees a living wage. Charge me appropriately for the item and pay your fucking employees.
I think it is completely inappropriate. Some people can barely afford to live and then have to feel shame and judged when they have to say no.
This is really hard for me but I have had to put my foot down in recent times. It still makes me uncomfortable but I just can’t support this anymore. If I’m sitting down at a restaurant with a server I tip 20 - 25% but I’m tired of tipping for takeout and I absolutely refuse to give extra when checking out at a store.
Black Coffee - I like a good morning poop and I’m calorie conscious.
That is 100% true in a capitalist society. You are measured by your ability to produce.
Edit: Apparently this needs some clarification. You are measured by your ability to produce for your owner.