I am so sorry. 🫂
Now maybe available on Discord (if you need me): username: discrdhater
I am so sorry. 🫂
Are the orcas joining?
My current bathroom’s walls are so thin it feels far more intimate than shitting in same room. The walls probably even add echo. It’s loud.
I want a big jurt which is my kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom and PC room. Open concept.
You could date me instead. I will send all information on you to CPC. :3
I will be homeless and jobless quite soon, while currently I get no medical help and I’m practically forlorn.
And even “no skill” jobs now require 3-5 years of experience minimum.
Weri weri bad, and youssss? :3
No, I only added the lashes/liner and lipstick. I thought of touching hair, but I think one can be slay no matter their hair scalp status.
I am the left though.
As a child I’d go to sleep very late, sometimes seeing sun coming up, and then I’d sleep till even 15:00. It was because I was avoiding my abusers. Now as an adult I go to sleep when I feel sleepy and I frequently wake up with the sun.
I am not good with languages in the slightest.
social credit
It doesn’t exist though. :( I wish there was a tangible score I could farm to have China adopt me. :(
Better than frogs on Wednesday.
Are they? Because the past few years indie games for me have been nothing but early access underdeveloped bare bones crap.
fsdfHJJHda@#ksdfa$@#shd, no need to flex on me! >/////<
I wish I could move to Cuba.