10°C. Coats out, heating on.
Never know what it’ll be tomorrow though. Might be 28 and sunny, might -15 and snowing. Maybe even the sun will make an appearance.
Regardless, it’ll cause disruptions to the trains somehow.
10°C. Coats out, heating on.
Never know what it’ll be tomorrow though. Might be 28 and sunny, might -15 and snowing. Maybe even the sun will make an appearance.
Regardless, it’ll cause disruptions to the trains somehow.
This coming down the line finally got me off of my incredibly lazy ass and forced me to switch a few months ago. It was easy, and I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.
I dunno. 60km/h is pretty much 40mph, which seems acceptable for what looks like a low density country road. On those sorts of roads the center line is sort of implied, and cars move to each side when approaching each other. I’d personally say the US plays it safe on low density road speeds. For example, there are a ton of roads like this that are a similar width to the above (despite not looking it) but have a 60mph (~100km/h) limit.
It’s not hugely complicated but instead of me having to ask an assistant everything, I let HA tell me everything through various speakers based on the state of sensors around the house at appropriate times.
When I wake up in the morning and go downstairs it’ll detect my presence, and if it’s a work day it’ll inform me of weather, traffic (as well as a suggested time to aim to leave by) and a basic schedule of my day, then it’ll stick some music on.
As it gets closer to the time to leave it’ll chime up again telling me I have x minutes left to get ready, but only if it detects me in a room so I definitely hear it.
All that is controlled by HA automatically and isn’t something you’d ever get from any of the big players, because they don’t have the sort of information and stats that HA does.
If I set a timer in Google Home then it’ll become available to HA through it’s integration and I’ll pop up a timer bar on some of the displays I have dotted around so I can track the time left without having to talk to the assistant, and as any timer gets close to expiring then it’ll even show a message on the TV saying which timer is about to activate.
There’s a few smaller things that just make life a bit easier too, like turning speakers off in rooms that aren’t active, or integrating my dumb doorbell into HA using an RF receiver so I can automate doorbell presses.
Home Assistant is currently working hard on assistants. I’ve not used it much yet but their text to speech offers so much more than any of the larger companies in just customisation alone, plus it all runs locally.
I have Google Home devices all over but they currently mostly act as a dumb speaker and I just get HA to do all of the heavy lifting. The most Google does is set timers and even that just goes into HA for most of the processing.
2080 SUPER here too and while I also get the seriously low framerate in the menu (1 - 2 FPS for me) I also get 30+ FPS in game on medium settings at 4k (on an empty map) so I’m not too sure what’s going on with your PC unless your CPU is the bottleneck. If I go up to high settings then performance does drop down to ~15 FPS.
I agree the performance is not great and I’m absolutely not justifying it, just throwing in my experience too. It’s mostly playable for me and I can probably live with it until it’s hopefully patched.
All it really takes is one person with a now terminal illness that has previously been denied lifesaving healthcare to decide they want to take someone with them on the way down. I’m sure there are quite a few people in the US in that situation.