I had an s2000. My redline was about 9000 rpm and the gauge cluster was lit up orange, but lit up in such a way that it didn’t really look like it was back-lit. It was an amazing gauge cluster.
I had an s2000. My redline was about 9000 rpm and the gauge cluster was lit up orange, but lit up in such a way that it didn’t really look like it was back-lit. It was an amazing gauge cluster.
I had a 97 prelude sh 5 speed. Great Lil car and a lot of fun to drive. But then I got my hands on an 02 s2000. Funnest car to drive I’ve ever owned.
I’m guessing this is a reference, but im not putting 2 and 2 together.
Turk from Scrubs taught me this.
I didn’t want to type out paragraphs worth talking to a brick wall.
It’s not the internet job to safeguard your kids. That’s the bottom line. All of this regulation and moderation is just stepping stones further to a controlled and moderated internet. Y’all just want to slowly add more and more limitations and training wheels to life and you’re giving up our own freedoms and rights to do it.
Tell me, who decides where the line is drown between allowable and not allowed? How are millions of hours of content supposed to be moderated by decency police to make that decision? How well do you think something automated can be that would do it?
The fine isn’t the point. Yeah, ten million is nothing to a large company. But what it really does is create censorship “for the children”.
By your logic, just blame the parents. They have the ultimate responsibility.
Right. And how are you supposed to train an algorithm to filter out any stupid thing a kid might try that’s dangerous? The possibilities are endless. Maybe the parents shouldn’t let their 13 year olds have unrestricted phones and access to tik tok.
I can’t hold them responsible for every dumb thing kids spread and try doing on their platform. You can’t expect everything to get regulated and removed in an instant. Watch your damned kids and don’t let them have tik tok to begin with. Then accept that a person dying isn’t always someone else’s fault. Your kid dying because he seen a thing on the internet to take a bunch of benadryl, then goes and steals your benadryl and overdoses on it, isn’t the internets fault.
I hate tik tok, but this is so dumb. Right down to the bullshit of requiring an office in Venezuela in a mere 8 days. Like 8 days is a realistic amount of time to set up and run an office in a foreign country.
Kids have been doing idiotic shit to themselves since the dawn of time. Tik tok or youtube didn’t cause this. Even back in the days before internet existed there was a “challenge” in my grade school where you touched your toes twenty times real fast and than had the big guy in class squeeze you in a bear hug from behind to make you pass out. Pretty sure that on killed some kids too.
Fuck that. He only did one type of science.
I nominate Mr.Wizard!
Lol. The most famous straight male porn star to ever live. Ron Jeremy. His dong is legendary.
Fun fact: He was a background extra in the original Ghostbusters movie, but went unnoticed for a couple decades until the wide-screen release came out on DVD. He was cropped out on the vhs/square tv’s of the 80’s and 90’s, so no one knew he was there.
This is part of why I’m a pro gun leftist.
If I sell a million dollars of stock and pay $400k in taxes, I have $600k. If I give away $1,000,000 in unrealized gains I get either nothing, or I can do a tax write off and maybe save like $200k in taxes. Either way I’ll have less than the $600k I would have had. At best it’s a workaround to give several other people working for the “charity” money, but at that point why not just put those people on my own payroll and give them the $600k?
Then they didn’t actually give the money away, and they still aren’t saving or making more money themselves by doing that.
I think the original got re-touched up more recently, too. So you’ll probably have a hard time finding the theatrical release cgi version to even watch.
Signing the pledge doesn’t duck you out of any taxes. Also, giv8ng money away can lower taxes you pay, but it doesn’t lower them as much as the amount of money you gave away. Not how it works.
" He is getting mugged!
-Well, let’s hope we don’t cover him."
I owned the NES version of Skate or Die when I was a kid. One of the games I stupidly sold after getting a Sega genesis, though.
I guess I’m “this old”? I remember watching the Berlin wall get smashed on TV, and the collapse of the soviet Union a year or two later. I was a Lil kid in the U.S, so both events meant fuck all to me. I was busy being awesome in my MC Hammer parachute pants.
If 5 nuggets are a serving, they must be suuuuper bad for you. Because per their $5 meal deal, that means 1 nugget taken away let’s you also have a small fries, double cheeseburger, and a drink with 4 nuggets.