Not seeing the irony. Please explain.
Because fuck people for trying to get in shape, right?
They already have your information, bud. Sorry.
I could try that too. Thanks!
Ok let me try that. I always saw everyone say disable it
I have that unchecked
Videos take about 10 seconds to load, freeze constantly. Live streams completely freeze after a few minutes. Videos become unresponsive after a while and you have to close the browser entirely.
Not sure why the downvotes, either. Can’t imagine the downvotes once they find out I am using Windows 11.
Don’t know what to tell you. It’s true for me.
That’s what I hear, but it’s really bad for me.
I use YouTube daily, and it’s been awful for a while now. I don’t understand, my computer is very powerful, but youtube is unusable on Firefox. I tried to figure it out but no luck
I would use firefox, but youtube is basically unusable on it. No idea why, but it is so much better on chrome
I always use subtitles. No idea why it’s so hard to get dialogue to sound good on home systems.
League is cancer. This meme is accurate.
The Conjuring. Ed and Lorraine Warren aren’t exactly lookers
I said this exact same thing a few months ago and was downvoted to oblivion lol
The insane windows hate on Lemmy is actually pushing me away from wanting to try Linux. Some of you are insufferable, like your entire personality is that you use Linux.
Thank you. I’m on team devil for this one.