Net neutrality. Something that was trampled over in the wake of fascism and never given a second thought.
Net neutrality. Something that was trampled over in the wake of fascism and never given a second thought.
Most Americans know America isn’t immune to fascism. That’s why we are on guard.
Looks like fancy cheese to me
Hey, you’ll be hearing from americas 🇺🇸 lawyers. This is copy right infringement. That is trade marked ip.
I’m scared
It’s the only hashing I’ll use #CreamerNation #CreamPies #NSFWCreamyDongs
deleted by creator
Their memes instance crashed and burned. Since then I don’t see the big deal.
Fuck em. Saves me the grief of having to convince others they are a sunk cost and investing into them is like robbing ourselves because we never get anything of value back. Or if we do it’s canceled out by all the other shit we conceded to corporate america.
Think of Martin, that dude didn’t get shit from the dems until he was orginized and marching. The dems weren’t on a path to provide rights. He did all the heavy lifting and they slithered into his camp and got him killed.
I like where you’re going but the general strike stuff is suppose to be the step in between, ya know. It’s like a bit of a comprise before chop chop time. Just like hey guys we mad and have orginized and are willing to sacrifice.
Give me the whole deck bitches, unos a kids game and were talking about causing political unrest.
The declaration of independence
That doesn’t make sense. Why not just make it dodecahedral shaped and have little tear drop knobs at every vertici?
I say it’s a key to a door. Behind the door. Butt plugs.
Excuse me, if there are any centrists in the room I’d like to openly judge you now.
I think you mean magic and miracles!
Magnets, how they work?
This would be of the voting populace. Which is 2/3rd… NM I don’t have the energy to explain.
The answer is 1. Now stop asking.