Interesting. I heard they are working on a version for responding to insurance claim denials.
Interesting. I heard they are working on a version for responding to insurance claim denials.
Does Xi being pooh bear ruin Pooh Bear for you? Hasn’t for me.
I don’t see why using Stimpy would.
This caused me to look up side affects, long list. Hope it hurts when he pees. He’s definitely showing some symptoms:
holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact
unusual excitement, nervousness, or restlessness
It’s not something only men can do, otherwise playing with their own dick would qualify.
Obviously my next quest item. Better smash at it and grab the drop.
Are you married or ever have been?
Marriage can take a lot of forms and can endure a lot of challenges but lying is a universal deal breaker.
Regardless, claiming some fictious marriage didn’t work out therefore someone can’t/wouldn’t be happy in a situation that exists in the real world is a weird assertion.
It feels like you’re closer to the side with the people calling the father the mother.
Did we watch the same show? I think you’re ignoring the incredible amount of cheating that was occurring and how much that contributed to it all as well as that other big secret that’s spoilerish.
Tankies are to leftist as the right are to law and order. They may each claim they are these things but are clearly not from an outside perspective. They each attempting to redefine the meanings and deride all others for not fitting their definition.
Where does the meme imply the other browser is a Google product?
Fanbois of a different flavor but with the lovely twist where none of them accept they are fanbois.
Through the blood offering, their capitalist spirit will be released into the ether for The Gods to redistribute to us, their worthy followers.
We will honor these sacrifices by engraving their names in the bricks we will use to build the temple to The Gods has has been foretold in these gold tablets I found that only I can see and read.
The tablets say if we fail to follow these edicts we will be doomed to live in an ever warming planet on fewer resources as punishment. The seas will rise. The cities will burn. The rivers will flood.
I think we’ve been doing this capitalism thing all wrong. All these issues are because we forgot to do the sacrifices.
We should be taking the top .1% of capitalist and using them to perform routine blood sacrifice rituals to appease the capitalist gods.
We then use their capital to fund a festival that last until then funds run out.
Their purity of capitalism will surely appease the gods and end all these climate change issues we’ve been experience.
You haven’t, why would they?
Why would immigrants be trusted source?
People have personal biases, good and bad. People have confirmation bias. It sounds like the immigrants biases have confirmed your biases.
Even if I were to ignore all of that, your experience is an anecdotal data point for me so my opinion that no government should be trust remains.
Given that I’m not attempting to replicate or advocate for any specific form of government this seems prudent.
For anyone still reading and is really bored, my personal belief is that the only path forward is an society that is governed by immutable mathematical agreements.
It’s hard to describe what I have in mind in a comment as there are many interacting pieces that together create a system that requires no government, no leaders, no fake money and no ambiguity.
Not at all.
Someone told you not to trust either. Presumable not the same person, presumable American government told you not to trust China but that begs then question who told you not to trust the American government.
Further the meme implies one should trust the Chinese government presumably because an untrustworthy source told you not to which is a mentally stunted view.
Not being trapped under the direct influence of the Chinese government, there are clearly many of reasons not to trust that government either.
There is no reason to trust any government. A basic understanding of history should make it clear that this is true of any government that has ever existed.
Being educated is a sufficient cause to distrust all governments.
Who told you not to trust anything the US said?
This is meme is for people who are incapable of forming their own thoughts but have been told they are, aka, tools of propaganda.
Should have paved over those mountains.
Can’t have a fire if the landscape is one continuous piece of asphalt.
I’m guessing there is enough profit for them to buy up inventory and bulldoze the houses to keep supply and demand where they need it.
Capitalist don’t give a fuck if you live or die, line must go up.