Or I did just web search for 2024 and there are indeed ‘European Parliament election in France’ as a result.
But you probably understood very well what was saying and why I was writing it. Do you have an explanation for his behaviour?
Or I did just web search for 2024 and there are indeed ‘European Parliament election in France’ as a result.
But you probably understood very well what was saying and why I was writing it. Do you have an explanation for his behaviour?
Are there elections coming in France?
We are hearing big words from Macron over and over in the last few weeks to support Ukraine - yet France is far behind when in comes to supporting Ukraine financially or with military equipment. And please don’t bring that Reddit meme ‘France is doing everything secretly and nobody knows about it’. Democratic financing in billions of Euros is public and not a high toilet paper bill like in Hollywood movies from the 80s. There is of course a lot of proportionate support by France within the EU-assistance, as France is a big economy and paying into the EU budget. It’s a similar situation with Italy, as they are another big economy within the EU. Both EU ‘power houses’ are far behind when it comes to direct support for Ukraine.
Macron has been telling us just last week, that the local EU arms industry needs more orders to enable low and competitive prices. He also told us support for Ukraine should only receive subsidies for EU-made products. And last week we saw statistics that the arm industry/exports from the USA and France profited the most from the Russian invasion in Ukraine, as everyone is getting their military up to date and ordering a lot. So everything plays in his hands and France is reaping in big profits and getting support for its huge arms industry. Yet, the country is far behind in supporting Ukraine and Macron keeps calling other countries to support Ukraine more - or here that ‘Europe will lose all credibility’.
What is going on here? Elections?
Wikipedia also has a list with more countries and animals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_animals
E.g. Denmark even has 3 national animals listed and not just the swan in the picture: Red squirrel (national mammal), Mute swan (national bird) and Small tortoiseshell (national butterfly).
“Her application was refused in June on the grounds she did not provide sufficient evidence, but she had asked for an administrative review of the decision and had a certificate of application (CoA) from the Home Office. It states “you can work in the UK until you receive a decision on your application to the EU settlement scheme”.”
“The Border Force refused entry on the grounds that her “application for EUSS [EU settlement scheme] has been refused” […]”
Could be just overlapping on the timing, that she got the decision in her post box in the UK, while she was abroad in Spain. Would be the simplest explanation for the situation.
I’m a layman when it comes to solar installations, but I read a bit into the topic, as I want an installation on my balcony next year.
I read that partial shadows on the panels are the worst due to the connection in series of the individual plates. There are rows or even loops connected on a panel and with a part of that connected series covered in shadow, it results in a fraction of the power output. A tiny shadow results in a huge loss.
If that is your garden, you should fix that to avoid shadows onto each other.
I think there are also different mentalities. Just last winter, I had a similar discussion, where someone explained to me that the room heating is meant to fully offset the temperature, so he can walk summer and winter in shorts, t-shirt and barefoot. So it’s 23°C in winter.
While I’m used to wearing jogging pants and socks indoor during winter, so 18°C is fine for me.
Then again, you also have to adjust for personal preferences, different sex, different heating infrastructure etc. But 23°C to go shorts and barefoot in winter was an extreme reveal to me, that people do something like this as well.
media literacy will be woven into existing classes and lessons
It’s surprising to me, that the USA/California only now decides to include that into school lessons. I thought that’s a common thing around the world.
Already 20 years ago in school, I remember we had media literacy by analysing and comparing newspapers. We got a selection of papers that the teacher bought and we had to check for design, formatting, letter size, pictures, categories, order, article size and content, factual reporting etc. Just full on analysis for teens to understand different styles in writing, reporting, publishing. Even comparing the same articles, written by different newspapers and how things can be expressed differently giving different impressions but originating from the same event.
Is that not common during school in Europe / around the world for decades?
That step they don’t have to go makes me think with Windows 12, the whole process will likely start from 0. They will try to implement everything again, waiting for courts or politics to take some decisions after years.
Why Vladimir Putin Is Embracing every country’s Far Right
Because they are siding with him.
And in 2024 there is the upcoming presidential election in the USA, where Russia certainly will try to influence the elections (again) and side with the far right, too.
It’s just a quick web search, but there are the EU countries listed with their avg. renewable electricity 2021.
As mentioned, the momentary data isn’t worth much. There are bad days with only 20% renewable electricity and there are good days with 120% renewable-only generation compared to the load. For years, European electricity prices turn negative on those days, as renewables alone in Germany generate 10TW more than the load.
That’s why annual average is important and not to single out good or bad days pretending this is the norm.
Every data gets even paid twice. The sender has an internet service contract and pays, the receiver does as well.
You opening some Lemmy post and requesting data, has the server owner pay via his hoster contract and you pay for the same data packet via your ISP monthly fee.
Now they are asking for a 3rd payment (once again). Why even stop at 3? Just ask for 4 or 5 payments and then meet in the middle at 3.
Is she maybe lecturing in Hungary? Enabling new generations to do great on the international stage by lecturing would imo even be better than just paying taxes in Hungary.
She received her PhD from Szeged’s University in 1982 and performed postdoctoral research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Szeged until 1985.
Since 2021, she has been a Professor at Szeged University
Source (at the bottom): https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2023/press-release/
This is article is not about a shareholder meeting though. It’s naming the annual and quarterly financial presentations.
As per the 1st sentence of the article, it’s less about being there but about asking questions:
Shell will no longer give press conferences when presenting its annual and quarterly results.
Journalists will be allowed to call in and listen but not ask questions
So even when supporting Shell and buying shares to attend, there won’t be a press conference with questions and answers.
While not written into law back then, 1986 was the actual year where the end of nuclear energy was decided in Germany.
It’s so irritating so see people argue in favour of nuclear energy with arguments that are based on events from 2011 (Fukushima) or from last two years. Thinking it was a recent decision related to some recent events. The recent events even caused the opposite - the nuclear reactors ran longer. Due to French reactor issues and the war in Ukraine, Germany agreed to not shut them off last year.
This is kinda known since the war started and Lukashenko presented a map of the ‘special military operation’ with attack paths into all of Ukraine, as well of Moldova. It was never just a few regions of Ukraine as Russia keeps repeating, it was the whole country and more from the beginning.
Any search engine will do for: Lukashenko map attack
There is unfortunately no further description of the electronic tags in the article. But there is another article on Washington Post from more than a year ago:
Britain will electronically tag some asylum seekers with GPS devices (Published June 18, 2022)
Under the monitoring trial, people fitted with the location-tracking device will be required to report regularly and in person to immigration centers or police stations.
Back then it was a trial and now it seems to get a more widespread support. And it’s not even for identification but a 24/7 GPS tracking device? Adding electronic tracking devices to migrants makes them join ranks with convicted criminals with corresponding court order.
That is just a big fat lie.
Russia supplied about half the natural gas in 2021 and from 2022 on it went to zero anyways. Why would you make up such crap that everyone can just Google that it’s a lie?
Germany is currently planning to add 25 GW of new gas plants for electricity generation to enable the coal exit and still have capacities for bad renewable days. Gas consumption for electricity generation will increase immensely. Especially when thinking about the topics you mentioned regarding other gas usage that is going to get replaced by more electricity usage.
Just look at bad renewable days with not much wind or sun, e.g. week #4 this year: https://www.energy-charts.info/charts/power/chart.htm?l=en&c=DE&week=04 (Lemmy is breaking the link, just click on the right side on week #4 to change the display)
Both coal types together run at about 30 GW on such days, with gas adding another ~12 GW to the fossil load. Even with adding more renewables over the next years, there needs to be a solution for bad renewable days - which will be the new gas plants. The plants are still in an early funding stage so this will take years to get them up an running. But time is ticking when looking at the early coal phase-out date.
Every country just needs something they can turn on when there are bad renewable days. And as you are saying, for many other EU countries that is already natural gas. So it will stay on the menu for decades, as it also works great together with daily load balance and renewables. Flame on - flame off, most flexible plants.
There was an article yesterday explaining that the frozen account belongs to an organisation that funds other organisations. One of those is accused of supporting/funding terrorism. So at the end, the bank has no choice and nothing to decide on their own, once they get knowledge of this accused connection. Otherwise they would to get dragged into the case as well and prosecution against them could be opened. Which is why they froze the bank account for now and sent a questionnaire about the organisation and their members to evaluate the situation. That is all, nothing was seized, the title is a lie.