So… basically anyone who dares to criticize Israel because of their treatment of Palestinians is automatically an anti-Semite. Got it.
So… basically anyone who dares to criticize Israel because of their treatment of Palestinians is automatically an anti-Semite. Got it.
“Light the lamp, not the rat! Light the lamp not the rat!” That line from Muppets Christmas carol still cracks me up.
Aaaaand in today’s news that nobody found surprising…
Republicans: “Free market!” Also republicans: “Buy American” “we need to ban Chinese companies from importing and selling goods in the u.s.” “Outsourcing labor is just smart business”
I love how some of the influential millionaires in Britain were really vocal about being pro Brexit, and then as soon as it actually happened, they moved themselves and their business outside of the UK.
I use qownnotes in combination with nextcloud. Supports mark down, git like history and syncing with the nextcloud notes app, which you can also use on your phone.
Technology is complicated. Period. Anything that “seems” simple is in reality extremely complicated underneath the hood. A GUI is nice as long as it works. But if for some reason it doesn’t, you’re shit out of luck.
Westerners in this case refers to Americans.
They somehow forgot Marjorie Taylor Green. “Jewish space lasers”