Thanks for the explanation, the example at the end was really helpful for understanding the point.
Thanks for the explanation, the example at the end was really helpful for understanding the point.
Supposed to be spelled? english? Are you implying that english has any spelling rules to begin with?
So I read some interesting stuff on this recently, (ignoring that brain size isn’t as important as brain compelxity for intelligence) a lot of creatures that have big brains including our ancestors and elephants had/have most of the extra mass in regions related to memory. The theory goes that simply remembering where everything is and picking the most likely solution (e.g. the neares watering hole that you saw water at this time last year) is generally more effective than traits like creativity and imagination… right up until you hit a break point where you start making tools and seriously modifying your environment. As we developed agriculture we had less of a need to remember every little thing so while we didn’t get less intelligent we did end up with worse memories, possibly gaining an even greater degree of creativity in return as those parts of the brain became more valuable in the new self created environment.
I believe there is an object called a brown sub-dwarf which jupiter would clasify IF it wasn’t part of a planetary system that basically represents the smallest type of failed star, however since jupiter formed from a protoplanetary disc it is indeed a planet. It really is a bit of an issue with our classifications that they’re context dependant though. E.g the moon on its own could be a dward planet, earth orbiting at the same distance as pluto would also be a dwarf planet even with no other changes.
Currently on a very locked down version of firefox but also windows, though I’ve been experimenting with mint on an old laptop in prepration for a switchover.
I recently discovered windows actually has a set of far more specific troubleshooters which actually provide useful information about a problem but you have to dig around in legacy settings to find them.
Yeh but word origins are fascinating anyway.
Americans are actually a bit closer than the rest of us, e.g. erbs is the original pronounciation of herbs with the H being picked up in the UK initially by the upper classes and eventually everyone else, literally just because it sounded more grandiose, though the root latin word does include an h. (the presence of an H in english has been intermittent)
Aluminum is also closer to the intended pronounciation at least by the guy who came up with the first decent process for refining it.
Heave ho for rock and stone, Bend your backs to take your goal…
6 gig of ram on a browser!? wtf people close your old tabs.
Nah that’s not the respawn period that’s the early levelling, gotta unlock NG+ so you can skip the tutorial and get back to questing immediately.
To be fair most real world hacking has nothing to do with processing power, usually you just trick someone into giving you low level access and then escalate privaliges from there because even pentagon employees are prone to leaving their passwords written down on word documents once your inside the thinnestl ayer of security… Not even exagerating there, some kids went to jail for hacking the pentagon via a games company which they got access to via some credentials on a laptop left unnatended at a comic con.
Presumably the same place real rich people get it today. Gradually inflating the currency so that even if they’re not directly stealing from you the increase in their wealth comes from the lessening of value of your, mine, and everyone elses money.
Only 27 but I exercise daily and have had no issue except for my wrists which is a hereditary thing from my moms side.
iirc Lovecraft was considered wildly racist even by the standards of the time. Overly sarcastic productions has a nice video about how a lot of his stories were manifestations of his irrational fear of just about everything really.
iirc 24hz is just the minnimum thta the movie industry found creates the illusion of a moving image.
Though some larger spiders can be quite fragile and actually die from falls that wouldn’t kill a human or even injure one who’s prepared and knows how to land.
Realising that while I love art I should have becom an accountant, I’m good with computers and automation, could have made bank with very little effort.
gives Disney the authority of a county government.
Yo what the fuck this is literally in the plot of both shadowrun and cyberpunk as the beginning of the end for state governance.
R.I.P Razer, robbed of a championship victory despite dropping its opponent in the pit (and iirc suffering 0 damage itself) because the judges decided to ignore a clear violation of the rules regarding overall size.