truth warrior fighting against the forces of oppression and ai and control and also hillary clinton in a world gone mad patriot defender of our great nation AMERICA and freeze peach
warning my content may be triggering to snowflakes and libtards so proceed with caution
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i guess that makes me a cumdungeon too or whatever you said
reminds me of the time you shat on someone in a francophone comm for speaking french instead of english
youre welcome to come deny climate change in the free speech community i started
holy fuck thats clever
it took my 5 minutes to get this
wow what are the odds we would both post this today i literally wrote up my post and photo shopped this image last night and waited to post til this morning
edit possible trigger warning needed btw for my link i am not here to troll
oh yeah well you have a cheek whistle face
yeah i frigging hate germans they all deserve nothing but downvotes if they even try to write in english
sounds like youve made an enemy ive got at least one of those thats why i changed my name to not chad mctruth and put on a disguise and i think its working so far
edit oh no
op pls attribute your content sources
slightly pushing back
he is holding a gun
thats exactly where i got the photo from so what are you trying to say
if that were true then explain this photo i found
how deep does this go how can we know that the “real” real estate guy didnt send in a REALER real estate guy
oh i thought trump himself was the real estate guy
i did an ama and no one asked me that