They should be experts in this now. They put a great deal of effort into the leaning tower of Pisa.
This video was pretty interesting for anyone curious.
They should be experts in this now. They put a great deal of effort into the leaning tower of Pisa.
This video was pretty interesting for anyone curious.
I would be inclined to argue that indirectly onions are made of soil and therefore are the same.
Just saw it before this post.
You can write off an electric car in the same way you can write off a jet. It’s a company expense and required to perform your role in that company.
See the following steps to write anything at all off, note poor people may not have the prerequisite assets to make buying more assets tax free.
Step 1, create marketing company Step 2, assign income to that company from your other companies (you do have other companies right?) Step 3, do fun shit with stuff you bought Step 4 have accountant write it all off as marketing delivery expenses and client schmoozing.
Dennis, are we going to hurt these girls?
On Android I just started using kiwi browser a month or two ago it’s for android only but it’s chromium based and supports extensions which brings ublock and others to mobile.
The one time pay to remove ads was released on the recent beta
Is there a reason you couldn’t use either use a self hosted or the public hosted copy of element or an Android/iOS app and connect it directly to the beeper synapse/dendrite server?
Their clients are just closed forks of element anyways.
To be fair, the client they provide to make bridging more accessible is proprietary, however you can fire up a fresh copy of element and connect it if you want and just use the text interface.
The clients are closed so that they have something to sell and profit. Not everyone can afford to give their time away for free.
I have my own matrix server that I primarily use like beeper and bridge all my chats together. Even using some of their bridges, it’s been pretty reliable for years.
I know that a few people are hating on the closed source client, but that feels unfair to me. They provide lots of open code in the form of bridges which is really the meat of the offering. Their client just makes using the bridges easier for the lay person. The bridges are super easy to use without it, invite the bridge bot to a chat room, type login and do what it says, then type login-matrix and your pretty much done.
The I suspect that the same people who are displeased about the closed client also like using tailscale which is generally pretty popular but has closed source clients on Windows and Mac as well as the server (though all support the open source headscale server)
That makes sense the post is from 2002 and the link was good for 2-3 years after since it would be 20 years before today.