also even if no damage was done russia now needs to move air defense from the frontline back to targets in russia to prevent more attacks.
The cloud is just someone else’s computer and hard drives are cheap. Always keep a local copy.
Typical for them lol
Mozilla relay 👍
I hope the AAA gaming industry collapses
Im using the new 10€ for unlimeted searches plan.
I’ve beem very happy after switching to kagi.
No one does that??
That wont stop most attacks tho. A lot of them work by pretending to be a keyboard and typing out the exploit in a cmd prompt.
Lots of nazis disliked Hitler, that dosn’t make them good people. You can’t be part of the nazi warmachine at that level and not realize what you are supporting.
Wtf is that title? He was good friends with Hitler.
Tax the airlines and use the money to make pibloc transport free.
You belong on hexbear lol
This just seems like another “enlightened centrist” trying to draw false equivalencies.
Since when is russia an EU member state?