And so the threat to you is a capitalist order installed through collaboration with the United States.
Reading books is how you become communist, not anticommunist. Anticommunism depends on an ignorance of history and incuriosity generally.
Left-bashing tends to signal a green light for more left-bashing.
Anticommunism and fascism are the best of friends.
Then every social structure is authoritarian.
Anarchists usually distinguish between just and unjust hierarchies, by the way, and svoid the word “authoritarian” when describing just ones. Anarchists still need to organize themselves to have leadership and delegation.
When you definitely understand what words mean
Okay but some of them are in power right in front of you and vastly more bloodthirsty and likely to be responsible for your misery.
It’s an insult used by liberals to punch left. Because liberals, as a rule, don’t really read history or politics with any depth, they don’t use it consistently. Sometimes it is conflated with communist. Sometimes they throw it at liberals that are just a bit less racist and xenophobic than them.
Originally it meant communists who supported the 1956 invasion of Hungary, and was used by British communists to split up their own parties on the issue.
On what paper? What communist books have you read?
“Extremism” is a term that relieves its user of making any value judgments on the political questions at hand. A thought-terminating cliché that shovels unearned acceptance on the status quo and an unearned rejection of everything else.
A particularly funny part of it is that the early architects of thst status quo would hsve counted as extremists.
He’s my buddy I just asked for rent money
Maybe if “basic history” means “literally never read a book about it by a historian”. Your description is a debunked fringe theory that was only ever entertained by a single serious historian and he was a big Cold Warrior that embarrassed himself.
You should begin your education by reading Wheatcroft and Davies.
What is the bias?