eh Im just happy yall are here
eh Im just happy yall are here
Seems to be pointing above me, I agree my ceiling is definitely gay.
Writing in Weird Al for president
And he is extremely memeable.
Hey man I’ll eat a tube of toothpaste mixed with sugar and chocolate chips in a bowl any day, dairy free too
Yeah my recovery isn’t as fast anymore, lockup easier too.
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Weird it doesn’t feel like it.
I thought we were trying to sink it
I read somewhere that the sun might expand a bit and become too hot for Earth in just 500 million years time, so it might be a shorter window than you’d think
lol these comments are why I left the captions off
Lol mine is receding and bangs make it obvious. You can tell where some bangs should be and it leaves you with a gap. Just gotta accept the new hairline, hiding it only seems to make it worse.
I too like to live dangerously.
The post title got me the most. Sounds like something you can’t say, like you’ll get arrested over it.
I really doubt they would let him be an atm tech though. Who made that hiring call, he is probably now explaining to his buddy that he now discretely steals small amounts from the atms under the guise of a job
F**k if I have any regrets its not voting green not that it would have mattered but I would have felt better