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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • That is an incredible list. Did a find for a few things I personally knew about and have always been disappointed in Obama for… and sure enough found them. First one I searched, was extending the Bush tax cuts on the rich. I remember Bill O’Reilly saying “Oh, if I have to pay taxes, I’m going to have to fire people, and that’s on Obama, so tax cuts means less jobs!” (so glad Bill got canned) and Obama just fucking caved like a spineless coward.

  • CaptPretentious@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.world...
    2 months ago

    I tried Prime a few times. Saw it at the gas station and figured I’d give it a try since I was going to grab a Bodyarmor. Very strong flavor. For me, really seemed to straddle the line between good and meh. Tried the energy drink once, terrible.

    Then I learned that dip shit was behind it. Haven’t bought it since.

  • CaptPretentious@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldKeep it simple
    2 months ago

    Honestly, fuck Ansible.

    It’s the dialup of automation tools. It was probably amazing 10 years ago.

    It’s YAML is awful, it scales terribly, it’s so fucking slow at literally everything, it gives people who have no clue what they’re doing a false sense of confidence.

    The number of times I’ve seen app teams waste the time of support groups and engineers because something went wrong and they didn’t have the knowledge to know why and need to waste so many man hours having other people solve it for them. I (the engineer) was added to a chat that had 15 people in it because they, after running ansible, saw errors in their server… So clearly there was a problem with the server… At no point did they question there Ansible job.

    Of the various tools I’ve used, I prefer Salt. The YAML is slightly less ass and it’s so much faster while also seeming to scaling better too. It by no means is perfect.

  • CaptPretentious@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAI needs to stop
    2 months ago

    I hated it when everything became ‘smart’.

    Now everything has ‘AI’.

    Nothing was smart. And that’s not AI.

    Everything costs more, everything has a stupid app that gets abandoned, IoT backend that’s on life support the moment it was turned on. Subscriptions everywhere! Everything is built with lower quality, lower standards.

  • I didn’t think any will work.

    Rickroll has been a thing for what 20 years? It’s not about just being catchy. It came about in a time when ‘going viral’ still meant something. Early Internet culture spread it everywhere. I remember an addon in WoW that was a full screen Rickroll. People everywhere in various forums were tricking folks. So many people have grown up with it.

  • Saying “legally” isn’t much of an argument, IMO, not to imply you meant it as one. What’s legal or illegal is arbitrarily decided on by those in power, and arbitrarily enforced. The vast majority of these laws were not voted on by us and they’re rarely if ever reviewed.

  • Finally got around to to watching Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3. I liked it a lot. Rented it on Amazon Video.

    Before that, I watch ‘The 5th Wave’ which I think falls under the context of OPs question. Rented on Amazon Video. Garbage movie. Saw it because I saw a single clip of the movie that looked good. It was the only part of the movie that was good.

    And before that one, I watched ‘Smile’. Dumb, lazy, predictable writing. Rented on Amazon Video.

    Before that, I watched ‘The Edge of Sleep’. Very good series. Also Amazon Video.

    Finally, ‘The Menu’, also Amazon Video. I liked it.

    I saw all that for probably the cost of a single movie theater ticket. A matinee ticket right now, for my local theater (ordered online) is $17.60. I think the rent price of each of those movies was maybe $4 and ‘Edge of Sleep’ is free.

  • You’re first point ends up just being a slippery slope fallacy. If we take out the billionaires, it’s just a hop and skip until we take out the people in mobile homes! Just using a single data point provided by census.gov is ‘Real median household income was $80,610 in 2023’. A person who’s a lowly billionaire (i.e. JUST has $1,000,000,000) made 12,405 YEARS worth of money. Someone who’s JUST a millionaire ($1,000,000) would have 12 years. Which if you flip that, it’s possible for someone to earn a million dollars w/o exploiting people. It’s clearly not possible to become a billionaire (using USD as the base) w/o being an immortal being who had a successful career starting in 10,381 BCE. The order of magnitude ends up being overlooked since it’s just the next thousand -> million -> billion. And to answer, when would it stop, it would probably stop naturally. Prices keep going up so billionaires can be multi billionaires and now we have one jack-ass gunning for being a trillionaire. And our taxes goes to subsidies these pricks too. If homes became affordable, if food was affordable, if our education system was up to snuff and affordable (K-12 and higher education), our healthcare was up to snuff, our roads were in good shape, our internet wasn’t nickle and diming everyone… you’d see a general lack of interest in being pissed off. It would happen organically, just like it has in the past… the wealthy get got, things change, and we peasants get less “eat the rich” motivated.

    To you’re second point, yes the system is broken. But not everyone who’s family of the one in control of the estate, agree with that person. Also, fear is a great motivator. Most people fear homelessness or starvation. The 1% don’t fear much. Also, if vigilantes start taking out multiple 1%ers they’re either going to hire a lot of security (putting money back into the system, back into the hands of the people) or they’re going to start doing something to not be viewed as “dinner”. And we literally saw that. UHC gets got… and Blue Cross Blue Shield immediately reverse the change on anesthesia. They claimed it was due to backlash, but they’re a for profit company, they don’t care. But the CEO being targeted and seeing the people cheer… that sends a message.

    I don’t think anyone has a clear plan as to what would be better. There’s certainly a lot of ideas out there. But so long as the ultra rich control the government, control the means of communication (news outlets, social media) it’s difficult/impossible for change that would negatively impact them that would positively impact the rest of society.

    And you might not believe in it, but the French of utilized this method to much success. Honestly, we did to way back when if you want to throw in the revolutionary war.

  • I don’t think it has to be caramelized, but that would be good. But if someone uses low quality pineapple it’s going to suck. And you kind know, like if you see a pizza place and your thoughts are “well it’s cheap and quick” I wouldn’t get from there. But, if someone says “OMG, the pizza here is so good”, that’s the kind of place to get it. Local family pizzeria, yes. Dominoes/Pizza Hut/Pizza Ranch, probably a no.