When are we getting the one where he admits to cannibalism?
Hey wait, I resemble that remark!
I’m probably gonna do this for the third time when I next play HL: Alyx.
Built a new rig and decided to go back to it on max settings now that my rig could achieve it, worth the restart imo. And ill fucken do it again.
TIL, I may do a sleep study in the near future, I sleep like shit these days (injury + sleep disorder, may also be apnea).
But if I stop breathing in my sleep I don’t have to wake up
That’s an interesting way of saying it gives a million hugs all at once.
Kirby would just inhale him tbh
Wait, I resemble this!
This sign won’t stop me because I can’t read!
All 35 seconds magnificent missionary.
E: that includes undress/redress.
Gustave knows what Gustave wants
I got a gamesir x2 pro for my appointments, changed my life, carry the little fucker everywhere now.
Please calm down ComradeChairman! It was a mistake, honest! Our next release will fix all your qualms, please pay $69.99 to see for yourself.
The next Ubisoft game I play will be sponsored by Ubisoft, so likely never. They stopped making good games before I left high school.
Need leaf