• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2024


  • What you posted in the OP definitely needs to be phrased better then. Because it looks like something an antivaxer or an MMS nutter would post. “Big government wants to make all our healthcare decisions for us and we needs to rebel” is basically the antivaxer mantra. It should at least somewhere mention that its about manufacturing your own pharmaceuticals.

    Also manufacturing your own medications is not illegal at all as long as they aren’t controlled substances. You can make and swallow basically anything you want and the government won’t stop you.

    Additionally antibiotics probably aren’t the best example to use for something people can do on their own because misuse of antibiotics tends to result in things like antibiotic resistant infections which can then spread and cause harm to the community.

  • You definitely don’t need to oil it after every use. The main reason for applying oil is to keep it from rusting while it sits. If you just use it at least once a week then that rust isn’t a concern. Even if it did rust you can just scrub the rust off before you use it.

    There is all sorts of special care you can do to cast iron if you really get into it. But if you really don’t care then you can just use it and wash it exactly like any other pan without issue. The whole soap thing is a myth now a days because modern soaps don’t contain lye anymore. Soap is entirely unnecessary in cast iron but it won’t hurt it. Seasoning is adequately acheived just by actually cooking with it. You really don’t need any special process to season it unless you deliberately stripped off all the old seasoning. You can cook acidic foods in it without issue. I do tomato sauce in mine all the time.

    Coated pans require way more care. At least I can use proper metal utensils in my cast iron.