If they reduced the cost of their internet gateways, I wouldn’t use more than 1 IP… I feel their own pricing leads people to use more IPs than they need.
If they reduced the cost of their internet gateways, I wouldn’t use more than 1 IP… I feel their own pricing leads people to use more IPs than they need.
I wonder if they’d allow it to be a bit of an artificial reef… I’d like that concept.
Yeah, the American Bar Association said “Telling a jury it is implausible that anyone besides the suspect would have the same DNA test results is seldom, if ever, justified.”
Cross contamination could likelyonly get worse if you include airborn or otherwise mobile DNA as part of your samples.
If you wanted to avoid having to hold your phone at just the right angle, you could try to direct the light, maybe using a flexible fiber of glass or plastic and point it directly at the receiver! Bet that could go fast!
Don’t you know? The bird’s aren’t real!
They are really drone replicas installed by the U.S. government to spy on Americans!
There is something very cathartic about deleting 11 years worth of posts and comments…
Why don’t WeChat about the letter X?