Why is she trying to talk over the music?
Why is she trying to talk over the music?
Not really a fair point. I get U.S. news in my local newspaper, and other sources. It is called geopolitics. Also, some countries switched to using the USD, and politics can drive the dollar up or down.
I got the entire flashlight in the picture for you.
Yes it is. Someone posted the source.
Thanks for the series suggestions.
Is that what the s stands for?
I still don’t understand how they did the first video. It is real, right?
This information is relevant to 4% of the people in the world.
I thought was a reddit only thing.
What do you mean by /s
Why is he driving in 2 lanes, and taking his hands off the wheel? Also, I don’t understand why he is rapidly slowing down in the fast lane. Is he brain dead?
True. I see this spelling error a lot.
I need to make an account, and update my city.