Why is an article discussing children’s welfare down-voted to oblivion? I don’t think that’s how down-votes are supposed to be used. However, I put it as NSFW because I knew it would be sensitive and I wanted to give fair warning.
It’s a sensitive subject that’s hard to talk about. Humility and compassion, as well as a will to listen to understand, is needed by everyone involved.
Thanks for updating your post to make it clear that you were talking about anti EU sentiment at the time. That makes it clearer, and I agree with you.
A poll from 2023 puts anti-EU sentiment in France (ie. Leave) at 26%. Not great, but obviously not very high. And I think a “remain” camp in France would have learned a few things from brexit.
Isn’t it the republicans withholding aid to Ukraine? So bombing refineries would drive up prices, making Biden unpopular, increasing the likelihood of Trump getting elected which would make more aid even more unlikely? Or am I missing something? 🤔
Not bombing them allows Russia to make money though, so it seems both choices are bad ones here.
The UK wasn’t a founding member, unless you start counting from the Maastricht treaty, and that was really just a continuation of the others going back to about 1948.
I think so too. One way to improve growth would be to align with the EU to facilitate trade. The EU being the biggest and closest market. That goes very much against the sovereignty argument though, as it would mean following EU rules without any say in them.
Yeah, I’m not too keen on a military career.
Visit Hawai’i
I’m going to assume they didn’t leave it there after taking the picture.
Indeed, I’m all for free markets as long as there’s a level playing field.
There is no “cloud”, just someone else’s computer.
It is not migration that is associated with crime, it is racist people who associate migrants with crime IF they have darker skin. Nobody complains about the millions of migrants coming from southern or eastern Europe. Unless, of course, they are Roma.
Migrant areas have a higher crime rate. If you’re right wing you blame it on skin colour or culture. If you’re left wing you blame it on socioeconomic factors. Take your pick. The fact remains.
And this is obviously unfair and untrue and a media effect, because every crime committed by a darker-skinned migrant has been reported literally around the world. While local crimes stay where migrant crimes belong, on the local news site. So it’s nonsense to claim that it’s not being talked about; in fact, it’s constantly being exaggerated and used by the media and politicians to incite hatred against dark-skinned people.
I’m sure right wing media love to sell the idea of “bad migrants”. But again, there is a problem in areas with a high migrant population that hasn’t been discussed until very recently. The very idea of pointing out that certain groups are over-represented when it comes to certain crimes was seen as racist not too long ago. How can you address a problem you won’t even acknowledge exists?
Speaking of homophobia: Until 1994, people in Germany could go to prison for homosexuality and after that it took another 23 years until 2017 to rehabilitate those convicted under this law. And racist Germans still didn’t like it. And of course they want to deny any help to homosexual immigrants from predominantly dark-skinned countries. In fact, they want to make homosexuality (not to mention trans people) illegal again, like Putin is doing.
Obviously horrifying, but there’s a reason why gay people leave the middle east and come to the west. We’re far from perfect, but orders of magnitude better than others. Compare the number of people in Germany and Syria/Turkey/Palestine (or pretty much any country in ME) who want to make homosexuality/trans illegal and then tell me that it’s Germany that’s the problem.
Our culture is deeply misogynistic and those who suffer the most from this are women from countries with Islamic cultures who choose to follow their culture’s dress codes. And every time some racist Europeans come up with a new idea about how to “fight” migrants’ misogyny, what they are really presenting is just another way to make these women’s lives harder than they already are.
Do you really think women from Islamic cultures have it worse in the west? I don’t agree with burka-bans or that sort of nonsense, except maybe for minors, but I have a hard time believing that the west is worse for women than Islamic countries in the middle east or northern africa are.
Every Palestinian has very good political reasons to hate Israel. The fact that we call this anti-Semitism, even though Jews, Christians and Muslims have lived together in peace in the Middle East for over a thousand years, is just a pathetic attempt to clear ourselves of the murder of millions of Jews. Equating rejection of Israeli policies with anti-Semitism while supporting every crime by the State of Israel with money, weapons and diplomacy is truly outrageous.
And it becomes really disgusting, really anti-Semitic when we actually go so far as to label Jewish people who oppose Israeli policies as anti-Semitic and exclude them from social discourse.
It is therefore impossible for a naive media consumer in Germany to ever see a Jew vehemently defending the Palestinians. This is how anti-Semitism is promoted.
Hating and or disagreeing with the Israeli government(s) isn’t antisemitism, and I can think of several people with a justified hate for it. That’s not the same as hating jews. There was a study done recently that pointed out that the biggest risk factor for antisemitism is ethnicity.
I do agree that the Israeli government would like to label any criticism against them as antisemitism, which is just silly.
And you’re celebrating your own racism here, while pretending to not being racist at all. Like whole of Europe does.
Ad hominem. How charming.
Is there such a thing as appeasing the far right? The tories in the UK lurched to the right out of fear of ukip, and that hasn’t really worked. Why would a UK “patriot” vote for the racist-light tories when they can vote ukip?
Same in Sweden with M and SD. M turned more right wing in immigration matters to combat SD, which didn’t help. SD is bigger than ever.
I honestly don’t think most people mind migration, what they do mind is the crime associated with it, unfairly or not, and the unwillingness to call it out.
That and the rampant homophobia, misogyny and antisemitism that comes with some migrants. Not that we don’t have our own idiots here already.
Everything bad isn’t Russia. Exploiting bad things to benefit from it is probably Russia.
We know Russia influenced brexit, that they own LePen and that they fund various far right groups in Europe. They’re probably trying to exploit this too.
People already assume that it is lower quality.
Ever notice how there are no cookie popup on sites like Wikipedia? Funny how you don’t need it unless you’re being a total dick with the users data.
Did everyone decide to copy Trumps playbook? Can we have the adults back in the room please?
Why not just answer the question?
It’s this a temporary respite or a more permanent thing?
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