Not just platforms them, but also outright approves or does little to challenge it/call them out.
I know a few women who enjoy 40k. But the ones I know enjoy it like how I enjoy it… Just painting figurines, making little dioramas, and pretending like we understand the rules while some smarter player gives up and just tells us what to do next.
The Thailand one. Accurate but yuck
Why is the Tennessee GOP praising Infamous Liberal Adolf Hitler then?
Is there a anime Lemmy community like reddit’s anime_irl?
Vibe check obviously
Seriously. Study after study shows that immigrants are paying their way.
Mods, is it a call for violence if you’re suggesting we kick a billionaire in the nuts?
Personally I don’t think so and just asking questions.
Also if they’re speaking Korean and you’re in Korea, then it’s DEFINITELY Korean.
I think they mean they don’t know why it’s a flag, when it should have been fliers passed around.
That’s a great find!
BBQ places in my area have gotten really expensive. Sides are like $5 each now for a small container.
I also had a rule that I would live with them for at least 1 year before committing to a proposal. I had to know in advance that I could live with this person, at their best AND worst every single day, before I would even consider marriage.
Blows me away people get married before living with them. I never experienced that in reality, but the dating shows drive me crazy.
My wife and I moved in during the dating stages, and we drove each other crazy. After a few years, we chilled out and learned better habits from each other, then after a long time… We popped the question.
Same but with check-ins every 15-30 minutes. Usually a “whatcha doin” or a surprise hug or kiss.
I told some of my single friends I needed some alone time, and my wife joined me. And they said, “I thought you needed alone time”.
And I didn’t know how to explain that to them.
One of my fears dating was that id run out of social energy and she’d realize i was really boring. A few years in our relationship, I told her. And she said she thought SHE was boring me, because she never had anything to really say.
Now it’s been more than a decade and there’s no social battery being drained with her, and vice versa. We charge each other up!
Yeah but then zero of many things.
I may do double dishes. But zero baking and I’m rewarded with cookies randomly.
I may do double cleaning. But zero when it comes to buying gifts and cards for people, because she loves doing that. And I get to reap all the benefits.
I definitely think there’s a degree of maturity where a person separates potential sex partners and potential friends. Or Maybe it’s just me and I assume everyone wants to horndog with everyone. Which is okay, just keep it in your pants.
I’ve been married for 15 years now and I usually deflect any forms of attraction (men and women). I’ve had a few times where they confess, and I’ve always just kind of shrugged and let them know I’m not the person they built up in their heads. if they get creepy, quietly move on. Most don’t and we’re lifelong friends.
Again, maturity plays a huge part. And if they’re not mature enough to see you as a person, whoever you are… That’s on them. It may feel lonely on your part, but honestly, the drama with people who have obsessive crushing is way honestly more annoying.
I was at a party and talked about how Burger King has veggie patties.
And this rando party goer interrupts to talk about how good meat is and can’t imagine being submissive to vegetarians.
And I loudly said that it’s what the doctor recommended to help with my cancer and the dude panicked and ran away.
It wasn’t true but fuck that guy traumatize them back.
There was a foreign exchange girl from France. She was brutal. She said whatever was on her mind. She wouldn’t even blink as she said in broken English that you werent worth the air you are breathing.
So yeah, this story checks out.
God I wanted her to step on me.
Wait what?